350 years ago today, September 27, 1660 at 4:45 a.m., after long time illness Monsieur Vincent de Paul died peacefully in his room in Maison St. Lazare, Paris, France. He was a priest, reformer of the Church, founder and first Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Father [...]
Independent Trade Union SOLIDARITY in Poland is celebrating 30th Anniversary this week. On this occasion the special concelebrated Mass in Polish was given at 11:30 AM, Sunday, August 29 in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. Fr. Marek Sobczak CM, pastor, presided and Fr. Jan Urbaniak CM was concelebrant. In this way [...]
August 31, 1980, Gdansk, Poland. For the first time in the history of after Yalta Europe communist government signed and agreement with protesting workers. Unlike in 1956 in Budapest and Poznan, 1968 in Prague, 1970 in Gdansk and 1976 in Radom, this time a peaceful protest and strike in many areas of the [...]
70 years ago, in the afternoon of August 30, 1940, Servant of God, martyr of WWII, Fr. Joseph SLUPINA CM was massacred in the KL Auschwitz. He is one of over 50 Vincentian priests and brothers from Province of Poland who died during World War II and one of 11 recognized as martyrs. [...]
The Vincentian Family in St. Louis marks 350th anniversary of the deaths of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac with charity acts and prayer. Celebrations are planned for upcoming weekend, August 21 and 22. Saturday will be the day of service at more than a dozen sites across the St. [...]
Wednesday, July 14 was National Holiday in France. For General Assembly participants this day was marked by Vincentian Family festivity. In the morning representatives of the JMV and SSVP gave their speeches. In the afternoon, at 5:00 PM special Eucharist celebration was held in the chapel of St. Vincent de Paul at Maison [...]
Being born in January 1924 Fr. Julian Szumilo CM is the oldest Confrere in the Province of New England and one of the oldest in all three Vincentian Provinces in the United States. This week Fr. “Jules” celebrates Diamond Jubilee of his priesthood. Almost half of these six decades he served as vicar [...]
From very first days of his Vincentian priesthood he dedicated his life and vocation into teaching on various levels and taking care of continuing formation of clergy – following the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul and early Priests of the Mission – either as young priest completing his educational skill, rector of [...]