Fr. Chester Mrowka, C.M., dies two weeks after his 97th birthday

The sad news came to us from St. Joseph’s Home (nursing health center) in Enfield, CT. Today, Friday, July 5 Father CHESTER MROWKA, C.M., 97, died after 7:00 AM. He moved to that place few weeks ago, after he collapsed and his health deteriorated. He passed away two weeks after his 97th birthday, 74th year [...]


From The Provincial’s Desk – Newsletter March 2023

The latest edition of the our Provincial’s  Newsletter – March 2023 – is here. “May this Lent and Easter inspire you to live a virtuous life, to desire a great holiness and perfection in your priestly ministry. Virtuous priests are needed to spread the Easter message of Christ who Resurrected to proclaim the [...]


Farewell to New Haven

Exactly 120 years ago, on December 28, 1901 Most Rev. Michael Tierney, the 6th Bishop of Hartford erected the parish of St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr in New Haven, Connecticut. His decision met the needs of Polish immigrants in the area organized in the Society of Saint Stanislaus. At the [...]


Fr. Edmund R. Gutowski, C.M. passed away

Regretfully we inform you that Rev. Edmund Gutowski, CM passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 88 years old, 69 years of vocation and 61 years in priesthood.



Rev. Stanislaw “Stanley” Staniszewski, C.M. – R.I.P

On the eve of the Palm Sunday, Father Stanisław “Stanley” Staniszewski, C.M. died unexpectedly in Florida at the age of 83, 65 years of vocation and 58 years of priesthood. [...]


Fr. G. Marek Sadowski, C.M. – new Provincial of the New England Province

In the New England Province, Feast of  St. Vincent de Paul, September 27, 2016 was marked by the installation of new Provincial Superior, Fr. Grzegorz Marek Sadowski, C.M..  All members of the Province gathered at DePaul Residence in Manchester, CT for the celebration. In fact, the elections took place in May, but taking [...]


Official Website and Social Media during XLII Assembly General

Superior General, Father Gregory Gay CM has just announced the official website and social networks where you can follow the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission starting June 27 in Chicago, IL.



Foundation Day – greetings from the Superior General

In his special message on occasion of the 399th anniversary of foundation of the Congregation of the Mission,  Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General sends  greetings to all members of the Little Company and welcomes new, reconfigured Provinces of France and Italy.

