Where We Are

This map presents locations where Confreres of New England Province are, our churches and houses as well as residences of our retired Seniors. Click anywhere on the map to zoom in, click on the marked locations to view details.

De Paul Provincial House
234 Keeney Street,
Manchester CT 06040 – 7048

since 1995,
Archdiocese of Hartford

phone: (860) 643-2828
email: Provincial: provincial@cmnewengland.org
email: Residence: manchester@cmnewengland.org

Rev. A. Rafał Kopystyński, C.M., Assistant General (2022-2028), Curia Generalizia 39 Via dei Capasso, 00164, Roma, Italy
Rev. Anthony Kuzia, C.M., superior
Rev. Stanley Miekina, C.M.
Rev. Chester Mrowka, C.M.,
Rev. Jan Urbaniak, C.M., under medical attention, Dom św. Wincentego a Paulo, ul. św. Filipa 19, 31-150 Kraków, Poland

St. Michael’s Parish
75 Derby Avenue,
Derby, CT 06418-2098

since 1905, Archdiocese of Hartford
phone (203) 736-2044; (203) 734-0005
website: www.stmichaelsderby.org

Rev. G. Marek Sadowski, C.M. pastor, superior
Rev. Marek Sobczak, C.M.Provincial

St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
607 Humboldt Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11222-4698

since 1923;
Diocese of Brooklyn

phone (718) 388-0170, fax: (718) 388-6382
email: skc11222@aol.com
website: www.ststanskostka.org

Rev. Grzegorz Markulak, C.M.Pastor, Superior
Rev. Joseph Szpilski, C.M.
Rev. Sławomir Szucki, C.M.

St. Joseph Parish
32 Jewett Street,
Ansonia, CT 06401-2499

since 1925,
Archdiocese of Hartford

phone (203)734-0402; (203) 734-2334
email: josephansonia@snet.net
website: www.rc.net/hartford/stjoseph

Rev. Tadeusz Maciejewski, C.M., Superior, Pastor, Councilor, Assistant Provincial, Provincial Treasure
Rev. Mitchell Wanat, C.M.,
Rev. Waclaw Hlond, C.M.under medical attention, Apple Hewitt Rehab, 43 Maltby Street, Shelton, CT

SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish
150 Dupont Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11222-1196

since 1996,
Diocese of Brooklyn

phone (718) 389-4424, (718) 389-4031 fax (718) 389-4191
email parish@cyrilandmethodius.org
website: www.cyrilandmethodius.org

Rev. Eugeniusz Kotlinski, C.M., Superior, Pastor,
Rev. Jan Szylar, C.M., Vicar, Councilor
Rev. Joseph Wisniewski, C.M.
