In the editorial of the current Provincial’s Newsletter we can read that the Resurrection is the crowning truth of the Christian Faith, with all basic doctrines founded on this truth and serving as the central theme of apostolic preaching. Easter guarantees our own resurrection and signifies a participation in the death and Resurrection of Christ through the [...]
Among various pastoral activities held during the time of Lent the unique Way of the Cross along the streets of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y. was the most remarkable. The event was a testament to our community’s faith and unity. Read more in the story below.
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“Hope and renewal are sorely needed in today’s world. The realities of war, violence, poverty, hunger, and injustice all plague us as we live out the Vincentian charism. However, they are not “problems to be solved” but points of entry into solidarity with the human family. Advent awakens and renews our hearts in hope with Christ, our way, truth, and life” – Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses worldwide Vincentian Family for this Advent Season 2013. Read the whole letter: [...]
At noon, Sunday, March 17 Holy Father Francis for the very first time appeared in the window of his private apartment as did his predecessors. He showed off right after arrival from the St. Ann church in the Vatican, where he celebrated Sunday Eucharist. Some 200,000 pilgrims filled up the St. Peter’s Square [...]
At 6:OO AM EDT, Friday, March 15, Pope Francis met College of Cardinals, including the elderly ones who did not participate in his election, in special audience at Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace. Not only cardinals electors were present but those elders who couldn’t take part in the conclave, too. After being [...]
Father Stanislav Zonták C.M., Assistant General, has come to New England Province with unofficial visit today. He will stay in St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Brooklyn, NY for the weekend and lead a session of ongoing formation on Vincentian character of the parish ministry for the Confreres of our Province at Depaul Provincial Residence, [...]
Letter for Advent 2011 addressed to all members of the world-wide Vincentian Family by the Superior General is brought in eight different languages this year. Additionally, technology allowed us to give it to you in different file formats PDF,TXT, EPUB. We believe, this efforts will help spread Fr. Greg’s Advent reflection to more [...]