In 1617 Madame de Gondi asked Monsieur Vincent to preach in her properties on general confession. The Feast of Conversion of Saint Paul, January 25 was the opportunity to preach such a sermon in the village of Folleville in northern France. Response was incredible. In next days Vincent de Paul and his associates preached [...]
On the occasion of the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul Apostle, the day when The Congregation of the Mission was formally founded in 1625 successor of St.Vincent de Paul, Superior General Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. has addressed a circular letter to all members of the Little Company” “The members of the [...]
Delegates to the General Assembly elect four Assistants General. The first elected is REV. A. RAFAŁ KOPYSTYŃSKI, C.M. of the New England Province, USA. Fr. Rafal is currently the pastor of St. Michael Parish in Derby, Connecticut and the Provincial Treasurer. Previously he was the Visitor of New England Province. Congratulations Fr. Rafał! Wszystkiego najlepszego! [...]
The General Assembly held in Rome these days has elected the new Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, leader of the worldwide Vincentian Family. Very Rev. Tomaž Mavrič, CM has been reelected with 83 of 113 votes. Superiors General are elected for term of six years by the General Assembly. They can [...]
The 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission started Monday, June 27 at Casa San Juan de Ávila (via Torre Rosa 2) in the center of Rome. The theme of the Assembly is: “Revitalizing our Identity at the beginning of the Fifth Century of the Congregation of the Mission”. According to Constitutions of [...]
Rev. Slawek Szucki was celebrating his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood on May 15th, 2022 at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Greenpoint. We wish Fr. Slawek all the best. May God constantly bless you in your apostolic ministry in our Province.
Watch the Anniversary Mass (in Polish) under this link:
In recent weeks the community of New England Province has got through the process of electing the next provincial superior. After more than one round of voting by all Provincial Confreres, the winner was elected. At the beginning of the Holy Week the result has just been approved by the Superior General and his [...]
Our Province said goodbye to Father Łukasz Sztorc, who has worked in our Province (St. Stanislaus Kostka, Greenpoint) for the last three years. Father Łukasz went back to the Polish Province on February 23, 2022 because his visa has ended. We would like to thank him for his dedicated service at St. [...]