On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress, granting the 13 colonies their freedom as a sovereign nation. We remember in prayer those who founded our country so that we can live with honor, dignity, and the freedom to freely give glory to God our Creator. On [...]
On the Feast of the Annunciation, Daughters of Charity all over the world will renew their vows. This will not be simply a renewal of devotion, but, as their vows will have expired the night before, they will be free to choose to commit themselves to God by making them all over again, [...]
Since almost 400 years, the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul marks the milestone of the Congregation of the Priests of the Mission, which is known as Congregation of the Mission now, in English speaking world commonly known as Vincentians. On January 25, 1617 Vincent de Paul, a young priest, chaplain of the [...]
Of forty years in priesthood almost a half of it he dedicated to teaching and educating young people being idolized by students either at St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA or in Bishop Brady High School, Concord, NH. For the other half, he has been living in parochial ministry as vicar, administrator [...]
At 9:00 AM, Tuesday, May 24, fifteen Confreres celebrated their jubillee Eucharist in the Vincentian seminary church of Conversion of St. Paul at Stradom in Krakow, Poland, a place where they were ordained priests twenty five years ago. Fr. Roman Kmieć CM, pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish in New Haven, CT was among [...]
April 25, is the feast of St. Mark, Evangelist. In 1981, this day was the magnificent event in the Vincentian seminary and Province of Poland, too. Twenty young men were ordained priests, another ten were received to deaconate. It was second time in the post war history of Province of Poland to have [...]
“Forty years have passed, it’s a beautiful age; forty years, and even one more day. Be ready for twice as much now and perhaps the triple one, who knows?” lyrics of the title song from 70s’ and 80s’ popular Polish TV series “Czterdziestolatek” (A Man in Forties) say . And today (February 28), we [...]
It was a day like today on November 27, 1830 – the Saturday before First Sunday of Advent – when the Virgin Mary appeared to Catherine Labouré, a 24 year old Daughter of Charity novice during the evening meditations in the chapel at 140 Rue du Bac in Paris. It was the second time [...]