Fr. Mitchell Wanat CM – 40 years as teacher and pastor

Of forty years in priesthood almost a half of it he dedicated to teaching and educating young people being idolized by students either at St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA or in Bishop Brady High School, Concord, NH. For the other half, he has been living in parochial ministry as vicar, administrator [...]


Invitation for 2011 Kanty Reunion

The 1961 Graduating Class of St. John Kanty Prep and the 2011 Kanty Prep Reunion Committee invite Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Clergy, Students and Friends of Kanty Reunion for an annual celebration during the weekend of September 16 through 18 in The Avalon Hotel & Conference Center, Erie, Pennsylvania, we learn from the official [...]


Silver Priesthood Anniversary of Fr. Roman Kmieć CM

At 9:00 AM, Tuesday, May 24, fifteen Confreres celebrated their jubillee Eucharist in the Vincentian seminary church of Conversion of St. Paul at Stradom in Krakow, Poland, a place where they were ordained priests twenty five years ago. Fr. Roman Kmieć CM, pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish in New Haven, CT was among [...]


Fr. Marek Sobczak CM – a priest since thirty years

April 25, is the feast of St. Mark, Evangelist. In 1981, this day was the magnificent event in the Vincentian seminary and Province of Poland, too. Twenty young men were ordained priests, another ten were received to deaconate. It was second time in the post war history of Province of Poland to have [...]


Rev. Jan Urbaniak CM – Ruby Priesthood Anniversary

“Forty years have passed, it’s a beautiful age; forty years, and even one more day. Be ready for twice as much now and perhaps the triple one, who knows?” lyrics of the title song from 70s’ and 80s’ popular Polish TV series “Czterdziestolatek” (A Man in Forties) say . And today (February 28), we [...]


27 September 1660 – Saint Vincent de Paul dies

350 years ago today, September 27, 1660 at 4:45 a.m., after long time illness Monsieur Vincent de Paul died peacefully in his room in Maison St. Lazare, Paris, France. He was a priest, reformer of the Church, founder and first Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Father [...]


St. John Kanty Prep – end of the legend…

Thirty years ago, today, last students graduated from St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA. Although enrollment for school year 1979-1980 was highest in school’s history (202 men) the graduation ceremony on June 8, 1980 was the last one. There were various reasons leading to this sad and sorrowful moment, generally, lack of [...]


Fr. Julian Szumilo – 60th priesthood jubilee

Being born in January 1924 Fr. Julian Szumilo CM is the oldest Confrere in the Province of New England and one of the oldest in all three Vincentian Provinces in the United States. This week Fr. “Jules” celebrates Diamond Jubilee of his priesthood. Almost half of these six decades he served as vicar [...]
