Father Julian Szumilo, C.M. (1924 – 2014) R.I.P.

In the morning, Monday, April 7, 2014 Fr. Julian SZUMILO C.M. died at St. Francis Hospital, Harftord, CT in the age of 90, 64 years in priesthood and 70 year in vocation. He was the oldest Confrere in the New England Province.



2012 St. John Kanty Prep Reunion

Erie, Pennsylvania was selected for a second straight year as a host town of St. John Prep Reunion event, to encourage local alumni and friends to attend. Graduating classes ending in the number «2». ’42, ’52, ’62, ’72, yes, even ‘82(!) have been invited to celebrate their Anniversaries. This magnificent [...]


Fr. Mitchell Wanat CM – 40 years as teacher and pastor

Of forty years in priesthood almost a half of it he dedicated to teaching and educating young people being idolized by students either at St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA or in Bishop Brady High School, Concord, NH. For the other half, he has been living in parochial ministry as vicar, administrator [...]


Invitation for 2011 Kanty Reunion

The 1961 Graduating Class of St. John Kanty Prep and the 2011 Kanty Prep Reunion Committee invite Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Clergy, Students and Friends of Kanty Reunion for an annual celebration during the weekend of September 16 through 18 in The Avalon Hotel & Conference Center, Erie, Pennsylvania, we learn from the official [...]


For God… for country… for Kanty…

Mike Trott (Kanty G77) has created this video slideshow, a tribute to the Vincentian Fathers who staffed St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA.  As the author said himself describing the video, “it’s sad, but it also reflects the gratitude many of the Alumni and feel… this tribute honors the Vincentian Fathers, deeply [...]


In Memoriam: Servant of God Fr. Joseph Slupina CM (1880 – 1940)

70 years ago, in the afternoon of August 30, 1940, Servant of God, martyr of WWII, Fr. Joseph SLUPINA CM was massacred in the KL Auschwitz. He is one of over 50 Vincentian priests and brothers from Province of Poland who died during World War II and one of 11 recognized as martyrs. [...]



“The length of our days is seventy years — or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90,10)

On July 20, 2010 in age of 74, 53 years of vocation and 47 years of [...]


St. John Kanty Prep – end of the legend…

Thirty years ago, today, last students graduated from St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA. Although enrollment for school year 1979-1980 was highest in school’s history (202 men) the graduation ceremony on June 8, 1980 was the last one. There were various reasons leading to this sad and sorrowful moment, generally, lack of [...]
