At 9:00 AM, Tuesday, May 24, fifteen Confreres celebrated their jubillee Eucharist in the Vincentian seminary church of Conversion of St. Paul at Stradom in Krakow, Poland, a place where they were ordained priests twenty five years ago. Fr. Roman Kmieć CM, pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish in New Haven, CT was among those celebrants. Earlier this month, Fr. Roman’s parishioners in New Haven organized beautiful anniversary celebration a solemn Mass followed by special reception.
Lots of parishioners were present at 11:30 AM Mass at St. Stanislaus, the Motherchurch of New England Province. Provincial Superior, Fr. A. Rafal Kopystynski CM, and pastor’s associates Fr. Stanley Miekinia CM and Fr. Marek Sadowski CM, as well as Fr. John Krzyzanski OFM Conv., St. Stanislaus native, were concelebrants in the Eucharist. Among attendants were four of Fr. Roman’s nine brothers and sister. His sister Helena even came from Greece.
New Haven is the oldest Vincentian location in the Province of New England. First missioners from Krakow came here in 1904. For long years it served as community superior’s residence, when it was a mission, vice-province and when it became autonomous province. Fr. Kmiec first arrived to New Haven in 1997. When he came again in 2006 he became its pastor and superior of the house.
After the Eucharist another celebration commenced in the school auditorium at Eld Street. Aproximately 230 people attended the party organized by grateful parishioners. Short artistic program with songs and poetry presented by students of Polish Saturday School and some of the jubilant’s relatives opened the event. Special dinner for all the participants followed. (Slideshow above presents some pictures from the event).
Father Roman Kmieć, was born on October 10, 1961 in Szarwark, a village near Dabrowa Tarnowska and Tarnow, South Eastern Poland as one of the ten children of the local organist. As a child he inherited a lot of his father’s music skill who taught him to play piano, saxophone and accordion. Even today, on various occasions, Fr. Roman is seen and heard playing accordion.
After completing secondary education he was admitted to the Congregation of the MIssion in the Province of Poland in Krakow on December 8, 1980. Vincentians are very much recognized in his native neighborhood. Besides the Holy Family in parish in Tarnow where they are present as long as they are in New Haven, they also take care of the local Marian Shrine in Odporyszow. He studied philosophy and theology at the Vincentian Fathers Institute of Theology (ITKM) which he graduated with Master of Theology diploma. On December 8, 1984 he took his vows and finally was ordained priest on may 24, 1986.
His first priestly assignment was position of parochial vicar Our Lady of Rosary Parish in Pabianice in central Poland. There he stayed for a year until he travelled to the United States in September 1987.
His first steps on American soil lead him to St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Brooklyn, NY. This place was chosen to let him improve his English and become engrossed in the large concentration of Polish immigrants. After spending one year at Greenpoint in 1988 he was assigned to St. Michael’s Parish in Derby, CT as vicar. His administrative and leadership talents were quickly recognized by superiors and in 1991, as a five years priest, he became Superior of the Community House there (replacing Fr. Ronald Wiktor CM) and held this responsibility until 1993.
Then he was appointed to St. Stanislaus Kostka in Brooklyn for the second time where he stayed as vicar until 1995. His next assignment was St. Peter’s Parish, Concord, NH where he was vicar again until 1997. On that year he was moved to St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish in New Haven, CT with the same responsibility until 2003.
In 1996 Vincentians took over St. Cyril & Methodius Parish in Upper Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY with Fr. Joseph Mietelski CM as the first Vincentian pastor of the church at 150 Dupont Street. After sudden death of Fr. Mietelski, his vicar Fr. Rafal Kopystynski became administrator of the parish. In 2003 Fr. Roman Kmiec was appointed second Vincentian pastor of SS. Cyril & Methodius assisted by Fr. Joseph Wisniewski CM. When Fr. Tadeusz Maciejewski CM replaced him in 2006 Father Roman has returned to New Haven. This time as pastor and superior, which continues to be.
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Meanwhile, on January 15, 2001 Father was elected Provincial councilor for the first time. And again in 2003 and 2004. Finally, he has been elected councilor on November 25, 2008 once again.