An Appeal from SSVdP to support aid for Iraq

Dr. Michael Thio, President General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP CGI) addresses a letter to Vincentian Family with an urgent and detailed appeal to support humanitarian aid efforts for persecuted people of Iraq with members of SSVdP among them. This message comes along with released earlier Circular by Fr. [...]


Frederic Ozanam – Spiritual Testament

On April 23, 1853, the day of his 40th birthday, six month before his death, Frederic Ozanam wrote his final testament. has obtained and translated a Powerpoint presentation prepared by Fr. Chuno Chavez, C.M. for the Vincentian Family gathering in Peru in 2010. It highlights key elements of the last will of [...]


Statement on helping the Poor

On the feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Patron of all Christian Charities, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn have issued a joint statement, also posted on Cardinal Dolan’s blog and Diocese of Brooklyn website, on those who are in need. Full text of the statement [...]


New Canonization Prayer For Blessed Frederic Ozanam

“The Permanent Section (International General Council, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul) at their meeting on 16 & 17 June 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand have approved the new Canonization Prayer for Blessed Frederic Ozanam composed by the Commission for the cause of Canonization (CGI SSVP) chaired by Amin A. de Tarrazi, the former [...]


St. Louis celebrates 350th Anniversary of Vincent and Luise

The Vincentian Family in St. Louis marks 350th anniversary of the deaths of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac with charity acts and prayer. Celebrations are planned for upcoming weekend, August 21 and 22. Saturday will be the day of service at more than a dozen sites across the St. [...]
