“Hope and renewal are sorely needed in today’s world. The realities of war, violence, poverty, hunger, and injustice all plague us as we live out the Vincentian charism. However, they are not “problems to be solved” but points of entry into solidarity with the human family. Advent awakens and renews our hearts in hope with Christ, our way, truth, and life” – Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses worldwide Vincentian Family for this Advent Season 2013. Read the whole letter: [...]
Two serious natural disasters hit Asia in last couple of days, landfall of Cyclone Phailin in eastern India last Saturday and 7.1 magnitude earthquake in central Philippines on Tuesday. Both have made large devastation in the lands and forced thousands of people to leave their houses and properties. Some people are reported dead, [...]
In October, the month of the foreign mission Father Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses Confreres with annual update on situation and needs of foreign missions staffed by Vincentian missionaries. This letter is known as Mission Appeal. This year, along with the news about mission Superior General briefly reflects [...]
His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Father VARGHESE THOTTAMKARA, C.M. as coadjutor of the Apostolic Vicariate of Nekemte in Ethiopia, assinging him the Titular See of Chullu, Vatican Information Service (VIS) announced ealier today, June 28, 2013. Fr. Varghese has been Assistant General since July 2010. Other appointment today include Fr. Bruno Feillet as [...]
May edition of NUNTIA – monthly newsletter of General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission, has been released in four languages, English, Polish, Spanish and French. You can read it and download here, or use attached links to read directly on Scribd.com.
Fr. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and spiritual leader of worldwide Vincentian Family addresses its member with his invitation to reflect on Faith as the motive for feast of St. Vincent de Paul celebrations this year. He says, “each year at the time of [...]
March edition of NUNTIA – monthly news bulletin of General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission has been released with some delay due to some technical problems. Inside you can read about visitation of Philippines and Papua New Guinea by Fr. Varghese; establishing Panama Region of the CM Eastern Province, reconfiguration of [...]
On Thursday evening as the sunset Pope Francis crossed the Tiber River bound for the city’s juvenile prison, Casal del Marmo (in English: ‘Marble House’) to begin the Easter Triduum breaking the tradition of celebrating the Lord’s Supper Mass in the Basilica of St. John on the Lateran. In a tiny simple chapel [...]