Superior General reports on foreign missions – 2013 Mission Appeal

In October, the month of the foreign mission Father Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses Confreres with annual update on situation and needs of foreign missions staffed by Vincentian missionaries. This letter is known as Mission Appeal. This year, along with the news about mission Superior General briefly reflects [...]


An exclusive interview with Superior General – part two

On occasion of his visit to Paris in May 2013 Fr. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission met Thomas Zielinski of (also a webmaster of for a wide-ranging conversation. This two part recording is result of the meeting held in very fraternal and friendly atmosphere. This is [...]


Mission Appeal of the Superior General

In October every year Superior General addresses his Mission Appeal to all members of the Congregation of the Mission. “My brothers, we once again are in the month of October, the time when traditionally the Superior General makes an appeal to missionaries throughout the world in order to respond to the needs of [...]


World Mission Sunday 2011 – Message of Pope Benedict XVI

World Mission Sunday helps to remind us that poor people in our midst are neither forgotten nor unimportant. It is one day each year (one before lat Sunday of October) when the whole Catholic world unites in supporting missionaries in their distant ministries. The missionaries’ concern for the poorest in society is [...]


Message of Benedict XVI for 84th World Mission Sunday

To be missionaries today and respond to people’s need for hope and their desire to live in a new way means “to become champions of the newness of life made up of authentic relationships in communities founded on the Gospel,” says Pope Benedict XVI in his message for 84th World Mission Sunday which [...]


Haiti: Letter from Polish Daughter of Charity

Easter edition of  PATRON, the weekly bulletin of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY brings us the letter sent to Fr. Jaroslaw Lawrenz CM, days before Easter from Sr. Lila COCHLA, D.C. from Province of Krakow who is working in Haiti for couple of years. After vacation in Poland she returned to [...]
