Superior’s General Advent Letter for mobile devices [eBook & Scribd]

Everyday use of various mobile devices: smartphones, tablets, Ebook readers is growing. You are visiting our website from your iPads, iPhones, Android terminals and cellphones more and more frequent. For your convenience and and the website of the Vincentian Family prepared Advent Letter 2013 of the Superior General of the Congregation [...]


New air conditioning system in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Brooklyn

When Fr. Marek Sobczak CM became a pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Brooklyn, NY on October 19, 2011 he wrote in the address to  parishioners, ” three years ago when I was appointed pastor of this parish, the first request made of me by the PPC and many individual parishioners, was [...]

Share goes mobile

Those who visit our website on their desktops  or laptops will notice no change.  Those using their smartphones and other cellulars will take deep breath of relief. They will not wait ages until they see the page on their screen and manage how to read it. Our website went mobile! In fact it [...]

Share on go!

More and more we are viewing various websites and using internet services not only on our desktops but on a range of mobile devices. Mobile phone is no longer a voice caller only. Making traditional calls or even texting are only some of the functionalities we can make use of when we are [...]


Superior General writes on use of new technologies in the mission

“The world is not now what it once was, nor is it what it will be”, says Superior General, Rev. Gregory Gay CM in his letter released today, on use of new technologies in communication and mission. “Just twenty years ago few in the Congregation had any awareness of how the world would [...]
