Superior’s General Advent Letter for mobile devices [eBook & Scribd]

GGG-Advent2013-header-Scribd-epub-1Everyday use of various mobile devices: smartphones, tablets, Ebook readers is growing. You are visiting our website from your iPads, iPhones, Android terminals and cellphones more and more frequent. For your convenience and and the website of the Vincentian Family prepared Advent Letter 2013 of the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission as E-book and for online reading at sharing service.

Created in ‘ePub’ format the Letter is much easier to download and open on your mobile device. Small volume of a file, which saves your bandwidth, and automatic resizing to fit you display make reading the document easier than ever.

This time, we didn’t make ‘ePub’ files for each of eight languages the Letter is written. We put together all text into one eight chapter long E-book: ADVENT 2013. One file – eight languages.

As this is experimental technology for us, we will welcome your opinion and comments on this E-book format for our Vincentian publications. We would like to give you resources in the most convenient way for you. Your feedback will help us improve the future publications.

‘ADVENT 2013′ E-book can be downloaded from this LINK or when you click on the image below. You can scan the QR code in the image to dowload it directly to your mobile device.


Another easy way to open Fr. Greg’s Letter on your smartphone, tablet or desktop is to visit channel at shared-reading service and open the collection of Advent Letter in eight languages – English, Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, German and Slovak. Simply, click on this LINK or on the image below or scan the QR code to open it directly on your mobile device. To view all language versions on your desktop you can visit website as well.



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