Fr. Chester Mrowka, C.M., dies two weeks after his 97th birthday

The sad news came to us from St. Joseph’s Home (nursing health center) in Enfield, CT. Today, Friday, July 5 Father CHESTER MROWKA, C.M., 97, died after 7:00 AM. He moved to that place few weeks ago, after he collapsed and his health deteriorated. He passed away two weeks after his 97th birthday, 74th year [...]


Fr. Wacław A. HŁOND, C.M. has died at the age of 94

In the 69th year of priesthood, in 72nd year of vocation and in the age of 94 Fr. Wacław A. HŁOND, C.M. died in Yale New Haven Hospital on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Couple days earlier he was injured falling on the ground in the nursing home where was a resident. [...]


From The Provincial’s Desk – December 2023 & January 2024 Newsletters

The latest editions of our Provincial’s  Newsletter – December 2023 and January 2024 – are here.  Inside you can find updates on our Confreres whereabouts, assignments , music concerts, pilgrimages and other news regarding our Province and our priests .

Click on the links below to read/download it. [...]


From The Provincial’s Desk – July, August & October 2023 Newsletters

The latest editions of the our Provincial’s  Newsletter – July, August & October 2023 – are here.  Inside you can find updates on our Confreres whereabouts, jubilees, assignments and other news regarding our Province . Click on the link below to read/download it. [...]


From The Provincial’s Desk – Newsletter March 2023

The latest edition of the our Provincial’s  Newsletter – March 2023 – is here. “May this Lent and Easter inspire you to live a virtuous life, to desire a great holiness and perfection in your priestly ministry. Virtuous priests are needed to spread the Easter message of Christ who Resurrected to proclaim the [...]


Rev. Roman Kmieć, C.M., passed away

After long suffering and painful illness Fr. ROMAN KMIEĆ, C.M. passed away at night, December 21, 2022 at Regional Hospice, 30 Milestone Road,Danbury, CT, where he was staying for several weeks. His brother Jan was in his presence. He was 61 years old, 42 years of vocation and 36 years of priesthood. [...]


New England Province of the Congregation of the Mission today

On the occasion of the 43rd General Assembly a video presenting the history and ministries of the New England Province was prepared for the delegates. Now, you can watch the video, too.



Election of the next Provincial superior confirmed

In recent weeks the community of New England Province has got through the process of electing the next provincial superior. After more than one round of voting by all Provincial Confreres, the winner was elected. At the beginning of the Holy Week the result has just been approved by the Superior General and his [...]
