[Newsletter No. 3/24] It was a blessed and joyous occasion to come together with our fellow priests from Greenpoint parishes on Maundy Thursday. The joint midday prayer at the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius was a beautiful reminder of our unity and brotherhood in our calling. [...]
Among various pastoral activities held during the time of Lent the unique Way of the Cross along the streets of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y. was the most remarkable. The event was a testament to our community’s faith and unity. Read more in the story below.
The latest editions of the our Provincial’s Newsletter – July, August & October 2023 – are here. Inside you can find updates on our Confreres whereabouts, jubilees, assignments and other news regarding our Province . Click on the link below to read/download it. [...]
After long suffering and painful illness Fr. ROMAN KMIEĆ, C.M. passed away at night, December 21, 2022 at Regional Hospice, 30 Milestone Road,Danbury, CT, where he was staying for several weeks. His brother Jan was in his presence. He was 61 years old, 42 years of vocation and 36 years of priesthood. [...]
Our Province said goodbye to Father Łukasz Sztorc, who has worked in our Province (St. Stanislaus Kostka, Greenpoint) for the last three years. Father Łukasz went back to the Polish Province on February 23, 2022 because his visa has ended. We would like to thank him for his dedicated service at St. [...]
Regretfully we inform you that Rev. Edmund Gutowski, CM passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 88 years old, 69 years of vocation and 61 years in priesthood.
Niedziela Palmowa kończy cykl okolicznościowych Kazań Pasyjnych towarzyszących nabożeństwu Gorzkie Żale, wyjątkowemu nabożeństwu celebrowanemu w Wielkim Poście jako element polskiej i misjonarskiej tradycji liturgicznej. Gorzkim Żalom – rozważaniu Męki Pańskiej – towarzyszy wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu. Prezentujemy nagranie z Niedzieli Palmowej pt. “Człowiek Zbawienia”. Kaznodzieja: Ks. Marek Sobczak CM, proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, Brooklyn, [...]
In the morning, Monday, April 7, 2014 Fr. Julian SZUMILO C.M. died at St. Francis Hospital, Harftord, CT in the age of 90, 64 years in priesthood and 70 year in vocation. He was the oldest Confrere in the New England Province.