The Stations of the Cross on the streets of Brooklyn and other activities during the Lent

Among various pastoral activities held during the time of Lent the unique Way of the Cross along the streets of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y. was the most remarkable. The event was a testament to our community’s faith and unity. Read more in the story below.



New England Province of the Congregation of the Mission today

On the occasion of the 43rd General Assembly a video presenting the history and ministries of the New England Province was prepared for the delegates. Now, you can watch the video, too.



VSO Bulletin – March 2015

The Vincentian Solidarity Office (VSO) is a program of service of the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission. It was established by the Superior General and the General Council in 2002, and opened for service on January 1, 2003. Its main goal is to assist the Congregation of the Mission with [...]


Annual Mission Appeal 2014

 Mission Appeal is a circular letter of the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addressed to all members of the Congregation in October every year in regard of  World Mission Week. It presents the missionary activity of the Congregation and most urgent needs of [...]


VSO Bulletin – June 2014

The Vincentian Solidarity Office (VSO) is a program of service of the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission. It was established by the Superior General and the General Council in 2002, and opened for service on January 1, 2003. Its main goal is to assist the Congregation of the Mission with obtaining [...]


Fostering a Vincentian Identity in Parish Work [Study]

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Kazania pasyjne 2014 – Niedziela Palmowa

Niedziela Palmowa kończy cykl okolicznościowych Kazań Pasyjnych towarzyszących nabożeństwu Gorzkie Żale, wyjątkowemu nabożeństwu celebrowanemu w Wielkim Poście jako element polskiej i misjonarskiej tradycji liturgicznej. Gorzkim Żalom – rozważaniu Męki Pańskiej – towarzyszy wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu.  Prezentujemy nagranie z Niedzieli Palmowej pt. “Człowiek Zbawienia”. Kaznodzieja: Ks. Marek Sobczak CM, proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, Brooklyn, [...]


Kazania pasyjne 2014 – V Niedziela Wielkiego Postu

Gorzkie Żale, wyjątkowe nabożeństwo celebrowane w Wielkim Poście to element polskiej i misjonarskiej tradycji liturgicznej. Gorzkim Żalom – rozważaniu Męki Pańskiej – towarzyszy wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu i specjalne, okolicznościowe kazanie, zwane pasyjnym.  Prezentujemy nagranie z V Niedzieli Wielkiego Postu pt. “Człowiek krzyża”. Kaznodzieja: Ks. Marek Sobczak CM, proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, [...]
