Fr. Chester Mrowka, C.M., dies two weeks after his 97th birthday

The sad news came to us from St. Joseph’s Home (nursing health center) in Enfield, CT. Today, Friday, July 5 Father CHESTER MROWKA, C.M., 97, died after 7:00 AM. He moved to that place few weeks ago, after he collapsed and his health deteriorated. He passed away two weeks after his 97th birthday, 74th year [...]


Fr. Wacław A. HŁOND, C.M. has died at the age of 94

In the 69th year of priesthood, in 72nd year of vocation and in the age of 94 Fr. Wacław A. HŁOND, C.M. died in Yale New Haven Hospital on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Couple days earlier he was injured falling on the ground in the nursing home where was a resident. [...]


Easter Message from the Provincial of New England Province.

In the editorial of the current Provincial’s Newsletter we can read that the Resurrection is the crowning truth of the Christian Faith, with all basic doctrines founded on this truth and serving as the central theme of apostolic preaching. Easter guarantees our own resurrection and signifies a participation in the death and Resurrection of Christ through the [...]


Celebrating fraternity in our Greenpoint communities on Maundy Thursday, the Priests’ Day

[Newsletter No. 3/24] It was a blessed and joyous occasion to come together with our fellow priests from Greenpoint parishes on Maundy Thursday. The joint midday prayer at the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius was a beautiful reminder of our unity and brotherhood in our calling.  [...]


The Stations of the Cross on the streets of Brooklyn and other activities during the Lent

Among various pastoral activities held during the time of Lent the unique Way of the Cross along the streets of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y. was the most remarkable. The event was a testament to our community’s faith and unity. Read more in the story below.



Message from the Provincial for the Lent 2024

In the message from the Provincial, F. Marek Sobczak for the Lent 2024 we can read: “Lent is, for us, such a reset to get rid of the devil’s presence in our lives. To get rid of our failures, weaknesses, wrongdoings, and shortcuts. It is a time to turn around and become holy as [...]


From The Provincial’s Desk – December 2023 & January 2024 Newsletters

The latest editions of our Provincial’s  Newsletter – December 2023 and January 2024 – are here.  Inside you can find updates on our Confreres whereabouts, assignments , music concerts, pilgrimages and other news regarding our Province and our priests .

Click on the links below to read/download it. [...]


From The Provincial’s Desk – July, August & October 2023 Newsletters

The latest editions of the our Provincial’s  Newsletter – July, August & October 2023 – are here.  Inside you can find updates on our Confreres whereabouts, jubilees, assignments and other news regarding our Province . Click on the link below to read/download it. [...]
