In the message from the Provincial, F. Marek Sobczak for the Lent 2024 we can read: “Lent is, for us, such a reset to get rid of the devil’s presence in our lives. To get rid of our failures, weaknesses, wrongdoings, and shortcuts. It is a time to turn around and become holy as [...]
Most Rev. Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of Mission delivers his annual Letter to the Vincentian Family on celebrating the feast of our Holy Founder. This year he invites us to to broaden our Vincentian Collaboration under theme: Collaboration and Evangelization, and as a slogan: “Let us work together to share [...]
Colosseum, a place where plenty of Christ’s followers were massacred in roman times holds the special Good Friday celebration for years. Way of the Cross. Fourteen stations remarking the scene of Lord’s Passion from Gospels. This year Pope Benedict XVI has asked Mother Maria Rita Piccione OSA, 48-year-old president of the Or lady [...]
“The greed of possession leads to violence, exploitation and death,” which is why during Lent the church encourages almsgiving, “which is the capacity to share,” Pope Benedict XVI said in the message for Lent 2011 which was released at a Vatican on February 22. The theme of the the message was taken from [...]
Our Advent journey continues for the second week. The Big Day is coming up in two weeks. Some of us are already in rush – shopping, baking, writing cards, etc. But Advent is not a time of rush. It’s time of waiting! Time of reflection focusing on the miracle that happened twenty-one centuries [...]