Easter Message from the Provincial of New England Province.

In the editorial of the current Provincial’s Newsletter we can read that the Resurrection is the crowning truth of the Christian Faith, with all basic doctrines founded on this truth and serving as the central theme of apostolic preaching. Easter guarantees our own resurrection and signifies a participation in the death and Resurrection of Christ through the [...]


Celebrating fraternity in our Greenpoint communities on Maundy Thursday, the Priests’ Day

[Newsletter No. 3/24] It was a blessed and joyous occasion to come together with our fellow priests from Greenpoint parishes on Maundy Thursday. The joint midday prayer at the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius was a beautiful reminder of our unity and brotherhood in our calling.  [...]


Election of the next Provincial superior confirmed

In recent weeks the community of New England Province has got through the process of electing the next provincial superior. After more than one round of voting by all Provincial Confreres, the winner was elected. At the beginning of the Holy Week the result has just been approved by the Superior General and his [...]
