From the pulpit: Resurrection Day

“Easter means the joy that hatred was defeated by Love… Easter means the hope, that life always makes sense… Easter means belief, that nothing is impossible… Easter means good, joyful and warm wishes…” – homily for the Resurrection Sunday given by Fr. Joseph Szpilski CM in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Brooklyn, NY.



Z ambony: w dzień Zmartwychwstania

“Wielkanoc to radość, że nienawiść została pokonana przez Miłość … Wielkanoc to nadzieja, że życie zawsze ma sens … Wielkanoc to przekonanie, że nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych …Wielkanoc to życzenia dobra, ciepła i radości” – homilia na Niedzielę Zmartwychwychwstania Pańskiego głoszona przez ks. Józefa Szpilskiego CM, w kościele św. Stanisława Kostki na Brooklynie.



Christmas Message from the Superior General and the Curia

“The Lord comes to rule the Earth, justice ad right sustain His throne” says Superior General, Most Rev. G. Gregory Gay CM at the beginning of his annual Christmas message addressed to all members of the Vincentian Family in the world. Other members of the Curia, Assistants General and other officers follow Fr. [...]


Christmas greetings from the Personnel of General Curia in Rome

Unlike any other year before, special Christmas message is delivered from all the personnel of the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission in Rome, Italy. Both members of the Vincentian community and lay employees are wishing you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Everybody in the video speaks in native language and [...]


Living Holy Week with the Holy Father – Benedict XVI’s homily on Palm Sunday

Thousands of people packed into St. Peter’s Square both young and old waving palms and olive branches taking part in the traditional Palm Sunday celebrations. Pope Benedict XVI led the faithful resplendent in red vestments and travelling in the fondly named Pope mobile blessed palms and olives branches as he made his way [...]


“Are You Perfect?” – Lenten Retreat Reflections

You are busy and in hurry. You are on go. Simply, you missed the chance to participate. Your agenda does not give you a chance to take part in the Lenten retreat. Or, you are looking for some additional resources during Lent. Whatever your situation and intention is, we invite you to stop [...]


I Niedziela Wielkiego Postu – kazanie pasyjne [1st Sunday of Lent sermon]

Rozpoczęliśmy Wielki Post. Czas wyjścia na pustkowie, refleksji i pokuty, czas spotkania Boga, pełnego miłoserdzia. Tradycyjnie przez najbliższe sześć będziemy rozważać tajemnicę Meki Pana Naszego i Jego smierć w nabożenstwie Gorzkich Żalów. W tegorocznych rozważaniach, jak mówi kaznodzieja, ks. Jan Szylar CM, wikariusz parafii św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, “przypatrzymy się wartościom, bez [...]


Vincentian Advent Inspiration

Our Advent journey continues for the second week. The Big Day is coming up in two weeks. Some of us are already in rush – shopping, baking, writing cards, etc. But Advent is not a time of rush. It’s time of waiting! Time of reflection focusing on the miracle that happened twenty-one centuries [...]
