On February 24, 2021 Fr. Jan Urbaniak CM, celebrated the 50th anniversary of priesthood. During these years, Jan has served Christ as the Missionary of St. Vincent de Paul (Congregation of the Missions). Most of the years of his priestly ministry, Father Jan spent in the United States, in the New England [...]
In the morning, Monday, April 7, 2014 Fr. Julian SZUMILO C.M. died at St. Francis Hospital, Harftord, CT in the age of 90, 64 years in priesthood and 70 year in vocation. He was the oldest Confrere in the New England Province.
Gorzkie Żale, wyjątkowe nabożeństwo celebrowane w Wielkim Poście to element polskiej i misjonarskiej tradycji liturgicznej. Gorzkim Żalom – rozważaniu Męki Pańskiej – towarzyszy wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu i specjalne, okolicznościowe kazanie, zwane pasyjnym. Prezentujemy nagranie z III Niedzieli Wielkiego Postu pt. “Testament człowieka: Oto Matka Twoja”. Kaznodzieja: Ks. Marek Sobczak CM, proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława [...]
“Wielkanoc to radość, że nienawiść została pokonana przez Miłość … Wielkanoc to nadzieja, że życie zawsze ma sens … Wielkanoc to przekonanie, że nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych …Wielkanoc to życzenia dobra, ciepła i radości” – homilia na Niedzielę Zmartwychwychwstania Pańskiego głoszona przez ks. Józefa Szpilskiego CM, w kościele św. Stanisława Kostki na Brooklynie.
Words from the Gospel of St. John: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” introduce us to the Advent Letter of the Superior General. In his reflection addressed to all members of worldwide Vincentian Family Fr. Gregory Gay CM writes: “I am edified by so many of [...]
During the Crism Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome presided by Pope Benedict XVI and some 1,600 concelebrant priests, concluding the homily (text below) the Pontiff said, “for all the shame we feel over our failings, we must not forget that today too there are radiant examples of faith” such as John Paul [...]
In 1992 Pope John Paul II designated 11 February, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, to be an annual day of prayer and consideration of the sick and of those who care for them. This is now known as the World Day of Prayer for the Sick which becomes, as the venerable John [...]