Advent 2015 – Mediators of God’s Promisses

Preparing the way for the Lord, as Father Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission reminds us in his Advent Letter  that we are  getting on the path that will make us mediators who bring God’s promises to fulfillment. Continue to read his message here, download it, get it on your [...]


Superior General addresses Confreres on the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul

On the occasion of the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul and in the context of the Year of Vincentian Collaboration Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses Confreres of Little Company in the letter below:



2016 General Assembly Logo Unveiled

Preparation Commission of the upcoming General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission has approved the design of official logo for the event.  Mr. Arturo Asensio Moruno of Spain is the author.



Superior General announces details of the Year of Vincentian Collaboration

In this Circular Letter to members of the Vincentian Family worldwide Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, gives details and some resources to be used in preparing celebration of the Year of Vincentian Collaboration 2015-2016 announced in the Letter of January 30, 2016.



VSO Bulletin – March 2015

The Vincentian Solidarity Office (VSO) is a program of service of the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission. It was established by the Superior General and the General Council in 2002, and opened for service on January 1, 2003. Its main goal is to assist the Congregation of the Mission with [...]


Lent 2015 – Letter of the Superior General

“My theme for this Lenten reflection centers on reconciliation, peace, and humility, which I chose after insights I gained in pastoral visits I made to apostolates of the Daughters of Charity in South Korea, Nagasaki, Japan, and Mauritania and Tunisia, Africa.” writes Rev. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of [...]


390 Years of Proclaiming Good News to Those Living in Poverty

January 25, Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle marks the anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation of the Mission by St. Vincent de Paul. Actually, it wasn’t legally founded on that day. This took place seven years later on April 17, 1625. But Saint Vincent himself points the day, when [...]
