January 25, Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle marks the anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation of the Mission by St. Vincent de Paul. Actually, it wasn’t legally founded on that day. This took place seven years later on April 17, 1625. But Saint Vincent himself points the day, when he gave a sermon in Folleville on importance of general confession to local peasants was the beginning of the Little Company, as he always called his community. Response to his teaching was so enormous, that priests from other parishes had to come and help him hearing the confession.
Vinformation, one of the websites by Famvin.org, dedicated to provide various formation resources for Vincentian Family invites to view and study couple of presentations created to help celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission and guiding viewers from the origins of the Little Company until its ministries and activity in present days.
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