Farewell to Concord

After 27 years, 4 months and one week Vincentians are leaving St. Peter’s Parish  in Concord, NH.   The Parish was taken over on February 1, 1983 with Fr. Chester Mrowka CM as first Vincentian pastor (8th in total). On September 1, 1983 he and two other confres, Fr. Mitchell Wanat CM and [...]


St. John Kanty Prep – end of the legend…

Thirty years ago, today, last students graduated from St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA. Although enrollment for school year 1979-1980 was highest in school’s history (202 men) the graduation ceremony on June 8, 1980 was the last one. There were various reasons leading to this sad and sorrowful moment, generally, lack of [...]


Fr. John Sledziona – 40 years of priesthood

From very first days of his Vincentian priesthood he dedicated his life and vocation into teaching on various levels and taking care of continuing formation of clergy – following the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul and early Priests of the Mission – either as young priest completing his educational skill, rector of [...]


Rejestracja do spisu wyborców Prezydenta Polski

Konsulat Generalny Rzeczpospolitej Polski w Nowym Jorku informuje, że rozpoczęła się rejestracja w spisie wyborców Prezydenta Rzeczpospolitej Polski. Rejestracja potrwa do 17 czerwca 2010. Warunki do wzięcia udziału w wyborach to: rejestracja na liście wyborców i posiadanie ważnego polskiego paszportu. Pierwsza tura wyborów prezydenckich odbedzie się: 19 czerwca 2010 r.



35th Anniversary Festivity

On Thursday, April 22, at “ninth hour of the day”, as the Bible might said it,  most of the Confreres from Province of New England gathered in the chapel at Provincial House, the De Paul Residence in Manchester, Connecticut to start celebration of this very special event — 35TH ANNIVERSARY.  In the year [...]


35th Anniversary Celebration

Autonomous Province of New England of the Congregation of the Mission was erected on January 25, 1975, Congregation’s Foundation Anniversary, by decree of  Superior General, Most Reverend James Richardson CM. However, as the inauguration date was not specified in the decree, April 23, Feast of St. Adalbert, the Bishop, Patron of Poland was [...]


Mourning Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Prayer of the Faithful

Prayer of the Faithful read during the mourning Mass for all those fallen in the airplane crash near Smolensk at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY at 11:30 on Divine Mercy Sunday. This prayer was specially composed for this celebration as joint effort of various Parish groups lead by Pastor, Fr. Marek [...]


Msza za ofiary tragedii narodowej – Modlitwa Wiernych

Modlitwa Wiernych odczytana w trakcie Mszy św. żałobnej w intencji poległych w katastrofie lotniczej pod Smoleńskiem odprawionej w kościele św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, Brooklyn, NY w Niedzielę Miłosierdzia Bożego o godzinie 11:30 została opracowana specjalnie na tę okoliczność wysiłkiem kilku grup parafialnych we współpracy ks. proboszcza Marka Sobczaka CM.  Poniżej zamieszczamy tekst [...]
