Farewell to Concord

After 27 years, 4 months and one week Vincentians are leaving St. Peter’s Parish  in Concord, NH.   The Parish was taken over on February 1, 1983 with Fr. Chester Mrowka CM as first Vincentian pastor (8th in total). On September 1, 1983 he and two other confres, Fr. Mitchell Wanat CM and Brother Joseph Zurowski CM settled in St. Peter’s Rectory. They moved here from Laboure House , Bow, NH which suppressed the day before. The Vincentina history in this place began. In 1987 Fr.  John Sledziona CM replaced Fr. Chet as pastor and superior and he was followed by Fr. Mitchell in 1996. In  2000 Fr. Francis Mcguire CM (Eastern Province)  took pastorate.  The recent Pastor was Fr. Anthony Kuzia CM, since 2005.  In 2006, additionally he was appointed pasotr of neighboring Sacred Heart Parish and Fr. John became Director of Ckergy Formation.  Today the history comes to an end.

In Bishop’s of Manchester, Most Rev. John B. McCormack’s Personal Assigment Announcement of April 12, 2010 we read:

“The following changes are effective June 9, 2010 unless otherwise noted.

Very Rev. Richard A. Roberge, VF, current pastor of Good Shepherd Parish, Berlin and Holy Family Parish, Gorham has been named pastor of Sacred Heart, Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Peter parishes, Concord. [...]
Reverend Steven G. Montesanti, current pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Concord has been named pastor of Saint Anne Parish, Hampstead.
Reverend Anthony F. Kuzia, CM, current pastor of Sacred Heart and Saint Peter parishes, Concord has been named pastor of Saint Patrick Parish, Pelham effective June 23, 2010.

Associate Pastor
Reverend Marcos Gonzalez, current associate pastor of Corpus Christi Parish, Portsmouth has been named associate pastor of Sacred Heart, Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Peter parishes, Concord. He will assist Father Roberge with the merger of these three parishes into one parish community.

Father John Sledziona, CM, currently in residence with Father Anthony Kuzia at Sacred Heart Parish, Concord will assume residence at Saint Patrick Parish, Pelham effective June 23, 2010. This is in keeping with the Vincentian Fathers’ request that their priests live in community. Father John will continue to serve as diocesan Director of Clergy Formation.”

It is the sad moment for our community. Vincentians were invited to Concord by Bishop of Manchester who was impressed by the mission Fr. Ronald Wiktor CM conducted in his diocese.  During the pastor’s tenure of  Fr. Sledziona he served as head of Concord Deanery, too.   Taking Sacred Heart Parish in 2006 brought us hope to expand our mission here.  However plans  of the bishop are different.  As we learn from the announcement, new Pastor and his Associate will work on merging three parishes into one. It is very responsible and difficult task.

New pastor and his Associate will be officially introduced to both parish churchs on upcoming Sunday, June 13, 2010.

Leaving Concord, we wish  our parishioners at St. Peter’s and Sacred Heart all the best and plenty of blessings from Our Lord. You will ramian in our prayers and our hearts.  And to Father Richard A. Roberge and Father Marcos Gonzalez we wish they task and goal will be accomplished with success.  May God help you, protect and guide You.

In the old, traditional Polish way, “SZCZĘŚĆ BOŻE, Z BOGIEM”


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