Of forty years in priesthood almost a half of it he dedicated to teaching and educating young people being idolized by students either at St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA or in Bishop Brady High School, Concord, NH. For the other half, he has been living in parochial ministry as vicar, administrator [...]
After 27 years, 4 months and one week Vincentians are leaving St. Peter’s Parish in Concord, NH. The Parish was taken over on February 1, 1983 with Fr. Chester Mrowka CM as first Vincentian pastor (8th in total). On September 1, 1983 he and two other confres, Fr. Mitchell Wanat CM and [...]
From very first days of his Vincentian priesthood he dedicated his life and vocation into teaching on various levels and taking care of continuing formation of clergy – following the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul and early Priests of the Mission – either as young priest completing his educational skill, rector of [...]
It was clear sky on that day over Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center, Tuesday, January 28, 1986. At 11:38 EST Space Shuttle Challenger took off in mission coded STS-51-L. Among seven members crew was Sharon Christa Corrigan McAuliffe, social studies and CCD teacher from Concord High School, parishioner of St. Peter’s [...]