Fr. Edmund R. Gutowski, C.M. passed away

Regretfully we inform you that Rev. Edmund Gutowski, CM passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 88 years old, 69 years of vocation and 61 years in priesthood.



Rev. Stanislaw “Stanley” Staniszewski, C.M. – R.I.P

On the eve of the Palm Sunday, Father Stanisław “Stanley” Staniszewski, C.M. died unexpectedly in Florida at the age of 83, 65 years of vocation and 58 years of priesthood. [...]


Celebration of Diamond and Silver Priesthood Anniversaries

Most of the Confreres of our Province gathered in DePaul Provincial Residence in Manchester, CT on Wednesday, May 8. They came to celebrate priestly ordinations anniversaries which are commemorated in May and June this year. We have four Jubilarians this year: two “Diamond” and two “Silver”. [...]


2019 Provincial Assembly and the Foundation Day

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Confreres from all over the New England Province of the Congregation of the Mission gathered at DePaul Residence, Manchester, CT for triennial Provincial Assembly which was held on January 23 and 24, 2019 prior to the Foundation Day which celebration closed the event on January 25. 



Fr. G. Marek Sadowski, C.M. – new Provincial of the New England Province

In the New England Province, Feast of  St. Vincent de Paul, September 27, 2016 was marked by the installation of new Provincial Superior, Fr. Grzegorz Marek Sadowski, C.M..  All members of the Province gathered at DePaul Residence in Manchester, CT for the celebration. In fact, the elections took place in May, but taking [...]


Official Website and Social Media during XLII Assembly General

Superior General, Father Gregory Gay CM has just announced the official website and social networks where you can follow the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission starting June 27 in Chicago, IL.



† Father John S. Sledziona, C.M.

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At night, March 31, 2016 Father JOHN S. SLEDZIONA, C.M. unexpectedly died at  the age of 73 in St. Patrick’s Church Rectory, Pelham, NH. He was a Vincentian for 54 years and priest for 45 years. Recently he was Director of Seminarian Formation and Co-Director of Permanent Deacon Formation for the diocese of [...]


VSO Bulletin – March 2015

The Vincentian Solidarity Office (VSO) is a program of service of the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission. It was established by the Superior General and the General Council in 2002, and opened for service on January 1, 2003. Its main goal is to assist the Congregation of the Mission with [...]
