Pope Francis’ homily on Palm Sunday [full text]

This morning Pope Francis celebrated his first Palm Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s Square, Vatican. Thousands of pilgrims filled the Square for the Mass, which marked the beginning of Holy Week. Pope and dozens of Prelates moved through the Square, among the congregation with in a procession with a traditional palm in his [...]


Homily of Pope Francis during Inauguration Mass [full text]

March 19, 2013, Feast of St. Joseph, Patron of the Church is the day when Holy Father Francis inaugurated his Petrine Ministry. After traveling around St Peter’s Square with estimated 150,000 people in open papamobile Pope visited the Tomb of St. Peter and next appeared outside the Basilica of St. Peter for the [...]


Pope Francis gives his first “papal” homily

At noon (EDT) newly elected Pope Francis and 114 cardinals electors celebrated the Missa pro Ecclesiae (Mass for the Church) at Sistine Chapel. During the Mass he delivered his first, yet informal, homily as Pontifex. The seven minute speech in Italian wasn’t prepared earlier. Holy Father used his notes only. Below is the translation [...]


Homily of Pope Benedict XVI in Ash Wednesday Eucharist

“It is never too late to return to God” and that faith is necessarily ecclesial, was a main message of the homily Pope Benedict XVI has given in a moving Ash Wednesday ceremony. This was last public homily of his pontificate. This year, the Ash Wednesday ceremony was moved from its traditional location [...]


From the pulpit: Resurrection Day

“Easter means the joy that hatred was defeated by Love… Easter means the hope, that life always makes sense… Easter means belief, that nothing is impossible… Easter means good, joyful and warm wishes…” – homily for the Resurrection Sunday given by Fr. Joseph Szpilski CM in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Brooklyn, NY.



Z ambony: w dzień Zmartwychwstania

“Wielkanoc to radość, że nienawiść została pokonana przez Miłość … Wielkanoc to nadzieja, że życie zawsze ma sens … Wielkanoc to przekonanie, że nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych …Wielkanoc to życzenia dobra, ciepła i radości” – homilia na Niedzielę Zmartwychwychwstania Pańskiego głoszona przez ks. Józefa Szpilskiego CM, w kościele św. Stanisława Kostki na Brooklynie.



Easter Triduum with Benedict XVI – Holy Thursday – homily during Lord’s Supper

[Vatican, April 5, 2012] At twilight, (5:00PM in Rome) Benedict XVI started the solemn celebration of the Lord’s Supper in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. This is the cathedral of the Bishops of Rome. In his homily (full text below) Holy Father highlighted events of the last supper: “To Holy Thursday also [...]


Easter Triduum with Benedict XVI – Holy Thursday – homily during Crism Mass

[Vatican, April 5, 2012] Traditionally, at “Third Hour of the Day” (9:00AM in Rome), Pope Benedict XVI presided at the solemn Crism Mass. This is the only Eucharist celebrated in morning of Holy Thursday. And it is celebrated only in Cathedrals. Holy Oil, Crism, is consecrated during the Mass. Crism is used for [...]
