Christmas Greetings from Superior General & Council

“…from all of us here in the General Council, as well as the entire Curia of the Congregation of the Mission, we say to all of you: “BUON NATALE” – Rev. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General, concluded greetings from himself and the General Council:

Unless previous years, these Christmas greetings come from both Superior General and members of the General Council. Fr. Greg was main speaker syaing: “To all the members of the Vincentian Family throughout the world greetings from the General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission. For this Christmas, my hope is, that our witness in the world be a sign that helps people leave the night and enter the day, walk form their darkness into new light, lift them from despair and fill the with hope, pass them form death unto a new life and out of hell into heaven. we can do that if we truly live the gift of Incarnate Christ, the gift of his life, the gift of his peace, the gift of his love…

W tym roku do życzeń przyłączyli się wszyscy aktualni członkowie Rady Generalnej. Rozpoczął O. Generał: “Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich członków Rodziny Wincentyńskiej na całym świecie z Kurii Generalnej Zgromadzenia Misji. Mam nadzieję, w czasie tegorocznych świąt Bożego Narodzenia, że nasze świadectwo w świecie będzie znakiem, który pomoże ludziom opuścić noc i wkroczyć w dzień, wyjść im z ciemności do nowego światła,wyprowadzić ich z rozpaczy i napełnić nadzieją, przenieść ich ze śmierci do nowego życia oraz z piekła do nieba. Możemy tego dokonać, jeżeli prawdziwie przeżyjemy dar Chrystusa Wcielonego, dar Jego życia, dar Jego pokoju, dar Jego miłości…”

He was followed General Council members, in their native tongues, speaking in order: Rev. Javier Álvarez CM, Vicar General; Rev. Eli Chaves dos Santos CM, Assistant General; Rev. Stanislav Zontak CM; Assistant General; Rev. Claudio Santangelo CM, stepping down Secretary General; Rev. Zeracristos Yosief CM; Assistant Generaly; Rev. Varghese Thottamkara CM, Assistant General; , and Rev. John Gouldrick CM, stepping down Econome General.

And Father General concluded: …And so, from all of us here in the General Council, as well as the entire Curia of the Congregation of the Mission, we say to all of you: BUON NATALE

Second part of he video message presents short music moments during the Christmas meeting in the Curia held on December 12, Third Sunday of Advent and attended by Vincentian students in Rome and other guests. Below, you can watch another video from this meeting including Superior’s General homily during the Mass (in Italian). You can read English text of the homily on our FACEBOOK page

More information about the meeting in the Curia on CMGLOBAL.ORG webpage


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