Vincentian Advent Inspiration

Our Advent journey continues for the second week. The Big Day is coming up in two weeks. Some of us are already in rush – shopping, baking, writing cards, etc. But Advent is not a time of rush. It’s time of waiting! Time of reflection focusing on the miracle that happened twenty-one centuries ago in the poor manger kept in a poor stable somewhere in the David’s town of Bethlehem – the Incarnation, when God became a man. There are thousands of various resources for these special season around us – in the internet, libraries, relayed within families and communities.

There are resources how to bake excellent cake, how to make Christmas tree decorations, palette of Christmas cards is larger than our senses can catch. And there are spiritual resources, the most important ones in this time especially for Christians. It’s important because Advent is the time of waiting and time of preparation for the Incarnation. It the time we have to make our hearts ready to sing Gloria in Excelsis Deo!.

In this ocean of resources and offers here are some we would like to recommend you and encourage you to make your milestones on the road to miraculous manger.

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Our Polish speaking readers can listen to Sunday homilies from St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY.
Naszych polskojęzycznych gości zapraszamy do wysłuchania niedzielnych homilii głoszonych w kosciele św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, Brooklyn, NY

Fr. Stanislaw Szczepanik CM, Director of Daughters of Charity, Province of Puerto Rico was the preacher on First Sunday of Advent. This homily, in Polish, refers to the Feast of Miracuolous Medal as well.
Ks. Stanisław Szczapanik CM, Dyrektor Sióstr Miłosierdzia Prowincji Portoryko był kaznodzieją w I Niedzielę Adwentu. W swym kazaniu odwoływał się również do obchodzonego wcześniej święta NMP Cudownego Medalika.

Fr. Marek Sobczak CM, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka preached on Second Sunday of Advent
Ks. Marek Sobczak CM, proboszcz parafii św. Stanisława Kostki był kaznodzieją w II Niedzielę Adwentu

Fr. Lukasz Sorys CM, Vocation Director from Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Stamford, CT gave the homily on Third Sunday of Advent. It was the first day of Advent retreat.
Ks. Łukasz Sorys CM, promotor powołań, parafia Najświętszego Imienia Jezus głosił homilię w III Niedzielę Adwentu, która jednocześnie rozpoczynała tegoroczne rekolekcje adwentowe

Fr. Jan Urbaniak CM, Vicar St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Brooklyn, NY preached on Fourth Sunday of Advent.
Ks. Jan Urbaniak CM,Wikarusz parafii św. Stanisława Kostki głosił homilię w IV Niedzielę Adwentu

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Holy Father, Benedict XVI has addressed crowd gathered on St. Peter’s Square during the Angelus prayer on November 28, First Sunday of Advent with his message for this time of waiting and preparation:

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The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is providing a downloadable book of scriptural reflections for Advent and Christmas featuring the words of Pope Benedict XVI from homilies, speeches and other addresses during his papacy. The 37-page document includes a scripture quote and a reflection from the Holy Father for every day of Advent, which begins on Sunday, November 28, 2010, through the 7th Day in the Octave of Christmas, December 31, 2010. “Advent & Christmas with Pope Benedict XVI” is a preview of the upcoming publication “A Year with Pope Benedict XVI,” which will be available soon from USCCB.

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✠ Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Most Rev. G. Gregory Gay CM has addressed the Vincentian Family in his Advent Letter for 2010. He titled it «Christmas: A Story of Living Without Frontiers» and focused on the Vincentian work managed by Daughters of Charity from West Central Province on US-Mexican border.

Homily for Third Sunday of Advent during the Mass for Vincentian students in Rome

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VINFORMATION, the website for Vincentian spirituality and tradition and experience brings presentation inspired by the Superior’s General Letter titled “VINCENTIAN ADVENT 2010. Here you can view it in bilingual (English & Polish) version adapted for this site’s purposes. (Full screen mode recommended)


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✠ Fr. Anthony Kuzia CM, Pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish, Pelham, NH invites to read short Advent reflections fro every Sunday of Advent on the Parish website:


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✠ International website fo Daughters of Charity - – gives us every day Advent reflections based on Missal readings.
Those who visit and follow
our Twitter channel can read these reflection on each day of the week in English and in Polish.

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✠ Website of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY follows the invitation from Bishop Nicholas diMarzio of Brooklyn Diocese
and publishes Advent and Christmas 2010 Calendar of Activities Promoting the New Evangelization among the Families of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn which can be an additional inspiration for us during this season


O God, most high
You send glad tidings to the lonely,
And did not hide your face from the poor.
Those who dwell in darkness you call into the light.

Take away our blindness,
Remove the hardness of our hearts,
And form us into a humble people,
That, at the advent of Your Son,

We may recognize Him in our midst
And find joy in His saving presence.
We ask this through Him whose coming is certain
Whose day draws near;
Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN


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