Right after Fr. Corpus Delgado CM, the Secretary of the Assembly read out the Decree of Election in fluent Latin, new re-elected Superior General, Fr. Gregory Gay CM spoke ad hoc from deep of his heart:
“As they counted the votes, the last scrutinio.And so, they asked me how I felt. And actually, I had lots of thoughts running to my head, one is it, certainly feels different than when I was elected in 2004. Then I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. But the constant is, I love the Congregation of the Mission. I love the Vincentian Family and I love the Poor. And I consider the election to be the work of the Spirit and the maximum of authority of the Congregation of the Mission. And I promise to fulfill, as I did the previous six years, what the General Assembly asks of us in line of keeping the charism , and being the spiritual animator of the Congregation of the Mission and the best of the Vincentian Family. So, Thank you for your support and thank for your kindness.”
Loud and heartful ovations followed and as it is in the tradition of elections participants lined up to congratulate and hug Fr. Gregory one by one. This was interrupted by Mother General, Sr. Evelyne Franc and her Associates.
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