Annual Retreat for Confreres in Cape May, NJ

Some confreres from various communities of our Province gathered in Cape May, New Jersey for their annual retreat, October 8– 12, 2018. The theme of the spiritual exercises was taken from the Gospel of Matthew: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (11:28) and most of the [...]


Annual Retreat in Provincial Residence

Regular spiritual exercises are very important for members of the Congregation of the Mission. So are for other religious communities. Regarding the Common Rules each year, every member of the community has to take part in five days retreat. This week, twelve Confreres gathered in DePaul Residence, Manchester, CT for days of reflection, [...]


Heritage Pilgrimage to St. Louis

Program of the Heritage Pilgrimage [...]


2010 annual retreat for the Confreres

Common Rules of the Congregation of the Mission emphasize the importance of regular spiritual exercises for Priests of the Mission. Thus, each year, every member of the community has to take part in five days retreat. This year 19 of the Confreres of New England Province came in to the Provincial Residence in [...]


Rekolekcje Wielkopostne w parafii św. Stanisława Kostki, Greenpoint

Parafia Świętego Stanisława Kostki, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, zaprasza na Rekolekcje Wielkopostne dla dorosłych, dzieci szkolnych i młodzieży szkół średnich i pracującej w języku polskim, które w tym roku w dniach 21 -25 marca, poprowadzi Ks. Jacek Kuziel CM, duszpasterz akademicki, pracujący przy parafii bł. Anieli Salawy w Krakowie, Radca Prowincji Polski CM.
