goes mobile

Those who visit our website on their desktops  or laptops will notice no change.  Those using their smartphones and other cellulars will take deep breath of relief. They will not wait ages until they see the page on their screen and manage how to read it. Our website went mobile! In fact it [...]

Share on go!

More and more we are viewing various websites and using internet services not only on our desktops but on a range of mobile devices. Mobile phone is no longer a voice caller only. Making traditional calls or even texting are only some of the functionalities we can make use of when we are [...]


New technology, media and languages for Superior General Lenten Letter

Congregation of the Mission, and Vincentian Family are multilingual. Therefore nobody wonders that a document like Lenten Letter of the Superior General is published in more than in primary languages only. 2011 LETTER FOR LENT is available in eight different languages commonly used in our global community: English, Spanish, French, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, [...]


2nd week of the General Assembly begins

Monday, July 5,  marks beginning of second week of the General Assembly in Paris.  Despite heatwave which delegates suffered from last week they gathered high spirited in the Aula Magna of Daughters of Charity Motherhouse at 140 rue du Bac as show representatives of  Province of  New England on the picture – Fr. [...]


Video remarks from First week of General Assembly

First week of General Assembly is over. Usually, the beginings are the most difficult and the most unpredictable parts of such important gatherings. Everything must be set up and the most important reports of past years are coming in the first days. We invite you to take short look at remarkable moments of [...]


Church decorations: Dungeons and Lord’s Tombs

Dungeon is where Blessed Sacrament is held between Last Supper liturgy on Holy Thursday and Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. Lord’s Tomb is where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance through Good Friday night and Holy Saturday until Resurrection Procession. These two are the most spectacular decorations in our churches during [...]
