Obituary: mother of Fr. Roman Kmiec died

We have received  sad message from Provincial Office in Krakow, Poland about death of Mrs. MARIA KMIEĆ, 75, mother of Fr. Roman Kmiec CM, pastor of St. Stanislaus B&M parish, New Haven, Connecticut. She passed on December 27, 2010.Funeral ceremony will be held on Thursday, December 30, 2010. First, after the wake at [...]


Fr. Waclaw Hlond – priest for 55 years

It was May 15, 1955. Deacon Wacław A. HŁOND CM and two his other Confreres received priesthood ordinations in the Province of Poland of the Congregation of the Mission in Krakow. Times were hard those days in the country. Europe behind Iron Curtain looked much different from the other part of the continent [...]
