On this day, November 29, 380 years ago in 1633 in the house of Mademoiselle Le Gras – Louise de Marillac – near Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet church at Rue des Fosses-Saint-Victor the Daughters of Charity, the Little Company of the servants of the poor and sick was born. No special act of foundation [...]
Some 25,000 people were attending the ceremony of 522 “martyrs of the 20th century in Spain” in the eastern city of Tarragona Sunday, October 13, 2013. Among them were 42 members of the Vincentian Family: 11 priests and 3 brothers from the Congregation of the Mission, 27 Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent [...]
Sunday, October 13th, the Church in Spain will witness the beatification of 522 men and women who gave witness to their faith during the twentieth century. Among this group of witnesses we find 42 members of the Vincentian Family.Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission addresses Vincentian [...]
After a summer break here comes September edition of NUNTIA – monthly newsletter of General Curia of the Congregation of the Mission,released in five languages, English, Polish, Spanish, French and Slovak. You can read it and download here, or use attached links to read directly on Scribd.com.
Fr. John S. Sledziona, C.M. was among four individuals who were honored during Niagara University’s annual Vincentian Heritage Convocation, held September 26, 2013. The event, which takes place during the university’s celebration of Vincentian Heritage Week, recognizes the extraordinary contributions of university employees, alumni and community leaders.
World is looking at events in Egypt, worries about and prays. Famvin.org and CMNewEngland.org had an opportunity to contact Vincentian Marian Youth members in Egypt earlier this week and ask them about the situation of Christians and Vincentian Family there.
On occasion of his visit to Paris in May 2013 Fr. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission met Thomas Zielinski of Famvin.org (also a webmaster of cmnewengland.org) for a wide-ranging conversation. This two part recording is result of the meeting held in very fraternal and friendly atmosphere. Part two [...]
“The length of our days is seventy years — or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90,10)
On April 6, 2013 in age of 83, 55 years of priesthood, Lt. Colonel Father George Dabrowski, [...]