Some 25,000 people were attending the ceremony of 522 “martyrs of the 20th century in Spain” in the eastern city of Tarragona Sunday, October 13, 2013. Among them were 42 members of the Vincentian Family: 11 priests and 3 brothers from the Congregation of the Mission, 27 Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul and one lay woman, members of AMM. Cardinal Angelo Amato delivered homily and presided at the liturgy held at the entrance to Bible Study Institute of Education Center in Tarragona. Prerecorded message of Pope Francis was presented at the beginning. A big number of Daughters of Charity and Vincentian Confreres were present including Superior General, Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M., Superioress General, Sr. Evelyne Franc, D.C.
“This period of persecution surged during the Spanish Civil War, but the harassment began much earlier. In an interviev with Vicente Cárcel Ortí, one of the privileged few with access to the Vatican Secret Archives from that time period, called it one of the most ruthless persecutions of Catholics in history. “Since 1931, there was a covert practice of forbidding Catholic newspapers from publishing, of not allowing funeral processions on the streets, or forcing people to remove any religious objects from public view. It was certainly the greatest persecution number-wise in all of Western Europe, practically since the Roman Empire.”
Watch this gallery of pictures from the beatification ceremony.

Congregation of the Mission
✠ Rev. Amado García Sánchez ✠ Rev. Andrés Avelino Gutiérrez Moral ✠ Rev. Antonio Carmaniú y Mercader ✠ Rev. Fortunato Velasco Tobar ✠ Rev. Gregorio Cermeño Barceló ✠ Rev. Ireneo Rodríguez González ✠ Rev. Leoncio Pérez Nebreda ✠ Bro. Luis Aguirre Bilbao ✠ Bro. Narciso Pascual Pascual ✠ Rev. Pelayo José Granado Prieto ✠ Rev. Ricardo Atanes Castro ✠ Bro. Salustiano González Crespo ✠ Rev. Tomás Pallarés Ibáñez ✠ Rev. Vicente Vilumbrales Fuente
Daughters of Charity
✠ Sr. Andrea Calle González ✠ Sr. Carmen Rodríguez Barazal ✠ Sr. Concepción Pérez Giral ✠ Sr. Dolores Úrsula Caro Martín ✠ Sr. Estefanía Irisarri Irigaray ✠ Sr. Estefanía Saldaña Mayoral ✠ Sr. Gaudencia Benavides Herrero ✠ Sr. Isidora Izquierdo García ✠ Sr. Joaquina Rey Aguirre ✠ Sr. Josefa Gironés Arteta ✠ Sr. Josefa Laborra Goyeneche ✠ Sr. Josefa Martínez Pérez ✠ Sr. Juana Pérez Abascal ✠ Sr. Lorenza Díaz Bolaños ✠ Sr. Maria Asunción Mayoral Peña ✠ Sr. Maria del Rosario Ciércoles y Gascón ✠ Sr. Maria Luisa Bermúdez Ruiz ✠ Sr. María del Pilar Nalda Franco ✠ Sr. María Dolores Barroso Villaseñor ✠ Sr. María Severina Díaz-Pardo Gauna ✠ Sr. Martina Vázquez Gordo ✠ Sr. Melchora Adoración Cortés Bueno ✠ Sr. Micaela Hernán Martínez ✠ Sr. Modesta Moro Briz ✠ Sr. Pilar Isabel Sánchez Suárez ✠ Sr. Ramona Cao Fernández ✠ Sr. Victoria Arregui Guinea
Association of Miraculous Medal
✠ Dolores Broseta Boner
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