Fr. Marek Sobczak in NET NY – CURRENTS – interview

NET NY is faith-centered cable TV network based in Brooklyn, New York. On Monday, April 12 in the news program – Currents – they aired an interview with Fr. Marek Sobczak CM, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY focused on the recent tragedy which hit Poland – airplane crash with [...]


Mourning Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Prayer of the Faithful

Prayer of the Faithful read during the mourning Mass for all those fallen in the airplane crash near Smolensk at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY at 11:30 on Divine Mercy Sunday. This prayer was specially composed for this celebration as joint effort of various Parish groups lead by Pastor, Fr. Marek [...]


Msza za ofiary tragedii narodowej – Modlitwa Wiernych

Modlitwa Wiernych odczytana w trakcie Mszy św. żałobnej w intencji poległych w katastrofie lotniczej pod Smoleńskiem odprawionej w kościele św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, Brooklyn, NY w Niedzielę Miłosierdzia Bożego o godzinie 11:30 została opracowana specjalnie na tę okoliczność wysiłkiem kilku grup parafialnych we współpracy ks. proboszcza Marka Sobczaka CM.  Poniżej zamieszczamy tekst [...]


Mourning Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – introduction to liturgy

Hundreds of faithful came in to St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn for 11:30 Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11. The church in the heart of so called “Little Poland” was packed up with standing room only. Parishioners came. Polish Americans living in Tri-State came. Friends of  Poland came. This special Eucharist [...]


Msza za ofiary tragedii narodowej – słowa wprowadzenia do liturgii

W Niedzielę Miłosierdzia Bożego, 11 kwietnia, na Mszę św. o godz. 11:30 przyszły setki wiernych wypełniając po brzegi kościół św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, w “Małej Polsce”. Przybyli parafianie. Przybyli Polacy żyjący w Nowym Jorku, przyjaciele Polski. Ta wyjątkowa Msza św. została dedykowana zabitym w katastrofie lotniczej pod Smolenskiem, w drodze na uroczystości [...]


Greenpoint mourns – Sunday Mass at St. Stanislaus Church

Polish Sunday Mass at 11:30 AM gathered crowds of people in the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It was a mass like no other. The church was packed up completely by Parishioners and faithful coming from other parts of Brooklyn and New York. Some standing room was left only. Many Polish-Americans [...]


Polish New Yorkers Mourn Loss of Poland’s President

When the tragedy in Smolensk happened on Saturday, April 10, America was sleeping. It was about 3 AM in New York. Fr. Marek Sobczak CM, pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Greepoint, Brooklyn said, he was woken up at 4 AM by a phone call from his friends in Poland with the [...]


President of the Republic of Poland died in plane crash

At 10:53 AM local time (2:53 EST) Polish Air Force One plane with 89 passengers and 7 crew members on board crashed while an attempt to touch down at Severny Airfield near Smolensk, South Western Russia. According to official report all passengers died. No one survived the crash. Among killed passengers were Mr [...]
