@Pontifex – Benedict XVI launches his official Twitter account

For the first time in history Pontifex Maximus opens his own social media account. It was announced here and there in prior. And the day has come! Today Pope launched his “personal” – Benedict XVI – account on Twitter supported by Vatican’s communication office. It’s hardly possible Benedict XVI will manage and update the account by himself, but earlier he mentioned he would prepare some information to be posted himself. Although he didn’t tweet anything yet, number of followers grows rapidly.

In fact there are accounts in eight languages (in brackets number of followers at 1400GMT): English (69,000), Spanish (18,600), French (800), Polish (650), Portuguese (2,600), Italian (7,800), German (1,400) and Arabic (450). There is at least one “unofficial” account in Catalonian. Number of followers of the English channel grows of 15,000 every hour (150 followers of Polish account).

Followers will be able to ask Pope questions using hashtag #askponfifex. For the first Pope’s tweet we will have to wait unti December 12.

User name of each account is @Pontifex . Language identifier follows in other languages than English. Here is the complete list of the official Pope’s Twitter accounts:

English: BENEDICT XVI @Pontifex
Polish: BENEDYKT XVI @Pontifex_pl
Spanish: BENEDICTO XVI @Pontifex_es
French: BENOÎT XVI @Pontifex_fr
Italian: BENEDETTO XVI @Pontifex_it
Portuguese: BENTO XVI @Pontifex_pt
German: BENEDIKT XVI @Pontifex_pt
arabic: بندكتس السادس عشر @Pontifex_ar


1 comment to @Pontifex – Benedict XVI launches his official Twitter account

  • @Pontifex_pl – Benedykt XVI utworzył swoje konto na Twitterze…

    Poraz pierwszy w historii Pontifex Maximus wkracza osobiście do cyber przestrzeni otwierając otwierając własny profil w mediach społecznościowych. Zapowiadano to od dłuższego czasu. I ten czas nadszedł. Dzisiaj Papież Benedykt XVI uruchomił swoje ……

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