They rest in peace… St. Michael’s Cemetery

The idea of cemetery germinated from the very beginning of the organization of St. Michael’s the Archangel parish in Derby, Connecticut. But it did not take fruit until 1939 when the large parcel of lawn among forest, half way between Derby and Ansonia was blessed and initiated as burial place for many Polish [...]


They rest in peace… Calvary Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery is the oldest massive burial place for Confreres of New England Province since first Vincentian pastor and superior of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Greenpoint, Brooklyn was buried there. The cemetery is owned and managed by the Archdiocese of New York, actually by the Trustees of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It’s one of [...]


Where our departed Confreres rest in peace

Since first Vincentian Priests arrived to New Haven, Connecticut from Krakow in 1904 exactly ONE HUNDRED priests and brothers who lived for at least few years of their Vincentian ministry in New England departed to Eternal Father. Some came here for very short time. Some spent most of their life making United States [...]


Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord…

In All Souls Day, when we pray in special way for all those close to our hearts who are now longer among us. In remembrance of of the Confreres of New England Province who departed to the House of the Father and all members of the Congregation of the Mission who departed into [...]



“The length of our days is seventy years — or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90,10)

On July 20, 2010 in age of 74, 53 years of vocation and 47 years of [...]


May you rest in peace Mr President!

On this sad day, when Poland bids farewell to her President Mr Lech Kaczynski and First Lady Maria Kaczynska we are uniting in grief and sorrow with all Polish people, those living in Poland and those living outside the Homeland wherever they are in the world.

May the belief in [...]


Memorial service in Holy Name of Jesus Church – April 17

On Saturday, April 17, 6:30 PM at Holy Name of Jesus Church, 325 Washington Blvd (corner Pulaski Street) Stamford, CT. memorial service was hel dedicated to victims of airplane crash near Smolensk and Poland.  There was  Rosary prayed  in the intention of all deceased in the last Saturday tragedy prior to Memorial Mass dedicated to [...]


Greenpoint modli się za ofiary tragedii narodowej

Polska społeczność Brooklynu na Greenpoincie zgromadziła się w środę, 14 kwietnia w kościele św Stanisława Kostki aby nawzajem wesprzeć się w czasie Mszy św. pogrzebowej w intencji sobotniej tragicznej katastrofy lotniczej w której Polska straciła swojego Prezydenta i Pierwszą Damę, wicemarszałków Sejmu i Senatu, całe dowództwo sił zbrojnych, duchownych, w tym biskupów i innych [...]
