35th Anniversary Festivity

On Thursday, April 22, at “ninth hour of the day”, as the Bible might said it,  most of the Confreres from Province of New England gathered in the chapel at Provincial House, the De Paul Residence in Manchester, Connecticut to start celebration of this very special event — 35TH ANNIVERSARY.  In the year [...]


35th Anniversary Celebration

Autonomous Province of New England of the Congregation of the Mission was erected on January 25, 1975, Congregation’s Foundation Anniversary, by decree of  Superior General, Most Reverend James Richardson CM. However, as the inauguration date was not specified in the decree, April 23, Feast of St. Adalbert, the Bishop, Patron of Poland was [...]


Letter from the Visitor on visioning the future

Here is the letter from the Visitor of  the Province of New England, Very Rev. A. Rafal Kopystynski CM regarding his request for giving visions for the future of the Community which was  stated in the previous letter of January 11, 2010.  23 of 27 Confreres responded. Read about results.



May you rest in peace Mr President!

On this sad day, when Poland bids farewell to her President Mr Lech Kaczynski and First Lady Maria Kaczynska we are uniting in grief and sorrow with all Polish people, those living in Poland and those living outside the Homeland wherever they are in the world.

May the belief in [...]


Letter from the Visitor on 2010 events

