Delegates to the Provincial Assembly were Fathers: G. Marek Sadowski, C.M. (Provincial), Mitchell Wanat, C.M. (Ansonia), Anthony Kuzia, C.M. (New Haven), Rafal Kopystynski, C.M. (Derby), Tadeusz Maciejewski, C.M. (New Haven), Eugeniusz Kotlinski, C.M. (Brooklyn, St. Cyril & Methodius), Jan Szylar, C.M. (Derby) and Slawomir Szucki, C.M. (Brooklyn, St. Cyril & Methodius). Various topics were discussed during the Assembly regarding current situation of the Province and upcoming future. According to Provincial Norms assemblies are convoked every three years. No longer new administration of the Province is elected during the assembly because there is direct voting for major posts. New Provincial superior will be elected in such procedure later on this year.

On January 25, the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul, the Apostle, the date when Congregation of the Mission celebrates the Foundation Day, when St. Vincent preached his first so called mission sermon in the rural church of Folleville in 1617 and which lead to establish eight years later the community of the priests of the mission known as Vincentian Priests and Brothers nowadays. A solemn Eucharist was celebrated in the chapel o the Provincial Residence on Friday. Fathers Edmund Gutowski, C.M. and Chester Mrowka, C.M. joined the delegates to the Assembly in the liturgy
Let us keep the ministry and works of the New England Province of the Congregation of the Mission in your prayers, so that there come new laborers to the Master of the Harvest and let the harvest be plentiful.

(from left) Frs. Rafal Kopystynski, Tadeusz Maciejewski, Eugeniusz Kotlinski, Jan Szylar, Anthony Kuzia, Mitchell Wanat, Slawomir Szucki, Marek Sadowski, (sitting, from left) Edmund Gutowski, Chester Mrowka
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