For God… for country… for Kanty…

Mike Trott (Kanty G77) has created this video slideshow, a tribute to the Vincentian Fathers who staffed St. John Kanty Prep in Erie, PA.  As the author said himself describing the video, “it’s sad, but it also reflects the gratitude many of the Alumni and feel… this tribute honors the Vincentian Fathers, deeply religious men of character, conviction and morals, who spoke to us of God, of hard work, of success”.  Thank you all Kanty Alumni, who keep in heart years spent in St. John Kanty. We are honored, that the work we did is so much appreciated and not forgotten. Thank You Kantians.


3 comments to For God… for country… for Kanty…

  • Dla Boga… dla ojczyzny… dla Kantego……

    W czerwcu tego roku minęło 30 lat od zamknięcia Kolegium św. Jana Kantego w Erie, Pensylwania, USA. Szkoła została założona przez polskich Misjonarzy św. Wincentego a Paulo. W ciągu 68 lat istnienia szkołę opuściło z 1214 uczniów z dyplomem szkoły śred…

  • Mike Zimmer Jr

    Benedecamus Domino… A brief but lovely tribute to a waning memory; All the brick and mortar of my elementary, high school and college buildings are gone; The building blocks and structure of my Faith and moral compass remain steadfast and true; Kanty remains a significant portion of my personality; Thank God for the CM’s and our brotherhood;…Deo Gratias.
    Judge ’57

  • Frank Stanley Dzielski

    My short stay, four years, at St John Kanty Prep in Erie, Pa is remembered only because of the devoted Priest of the Vincentian order. .

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