At 6:OO AM EDT, Friday, March 15, Pope Francis met College of Cardinals, including the elderly ones who did not participate in his election, in special audience at Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace. Not only cardinals electors were present but those elders who couldn’t take part in the conclave, too. After being [...]
Reflecting on the theme “Giving in Faith and Love” more than 250 people participated in the 12th Annual National Assembly of Ladies of Charity USA which took place in Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, MD, September 12-16, 2012. Fr. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General, was a keynote speaker on Friday, September 14. As Fr. Robert Gielow [...]
Tuesday, June 29. Superioress General of Comapany of Daughters of Charity Sister Evelyne Franc is the special guest to the Assembly General. Her role is double – as Mother General, guest and Mother General as host. Namely, General Assembly proceedings are held in the Aula Magna, the modern assembly room of the [...]