Sr. Evelyne Franc DC speeks to delegates of the Assembly (video)

Tuesday, June 29.   Superioress General of Comapany of Daughters of Charity Sister Evelyne Franc is the special guest to the Assembly General. Her role is double – as  Mother General, guest and Mother General as host.  Namely, General Assembly proceedings are held in the Aula Magna, the modern assembly room of the [...]


Un poco de alegría en la comunidad – joyful community

Do you think the Assembly proceedings absorb delegates day in and day out? If so, you are wrong. There is time for work and time for joy. Especially if it is Saturday evening and soccer fans wait for another World Cup play. Important play – Ghana vs Uruguay. Watch these short film clips [...]


First videos from the General Assembly

We cannot participate in the events of the General Assembly staying in Paris with delegates. But we can watch short impressions recorded by the camera from the first day of the event. Starting from the Opening Mass at St. Vincent de Paul chapel at Rue de Sevres and continuing on the opening session [...]


General Assembly – opening homily of Superior General

At 9:00 a.m. (0300 EST), Monday, June 28 all participants od the General Assembly gathered in the chapel of St. Vincent de Paul next to Maison Mere de la Lazaristes in Paris where relics of the Holy Founder are laid, to concelebrate and attend the solemn Mass (votive of St. Vincent de Paul) opening [...]


41st General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission in Paris

On Monday, June 28, 2010in Paris the 41st General Assembly of the Gongregation of the Mission has began. Its motto is “CREATIVE FIDELITY TO THE MISSION”. The Assembly is marked by the Year of 350th Anniversary of death of St. Vincent and St. Louise. It is one of the reasons it was organized [...]
