From the footsteps of the altar and the Creché in the church of St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr in New Haven, Connecticut we wish you a Merry Christmas, abundant in blessings from the Newborn Infant, a time when families meet, when visitors, itinerants are welcome, when, those who are starving are given food, those without home get shelter.
It is the second Christmas when God disciplines us like He disciplined Job. We believe, the time of distress and hardness will pass. We believe, there will be a blue sky after the blitz, soon.
117 years ago, a band of Vincentian Missioners from Krakow came to New Haven, Connecticut to settle among fellow Polish countrymen and bring up their faith and implant the Vincentian charism making a new home, new harbor far away from their previous home. Our mission began.
Today, we the Vincentians of the New England Province continue the mission started in 1904 against all odds. We believe, that when Lord closes the door, somewhere He opens the window. The charism of our Founder lives among the faithul of New Haven, Derby, Ansonia and Manchester in the Archdiocese of Hartford. It lives and grows in Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY in the Dicoese of Brooklyn, and in remote mission in Oquossoc, Maine in the Diocese of Portland.
Together, we will get through this time of examination, we will overcome sickness and hardships. Confident in the Newborn God, the Man, we will move on.
May this Christmas time be blessed and joyous to everyone of you, wherever you are, whatever you do.
Glory be to the God in the highest, for a Child was born to us, a King was given to us! Merry Christmas!
The Vincentian Missioners
of the New England Province
of the Congregation of the Mission

To our Vincentian Priests and Brothers from St. John Kanty Prep, Merry Christmas. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.