Preparation Commission of the upcoming General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission has approved the design of official logo for the event. Mr. Arturo Asensio Moruno of Spain is the author.
About the Logo:
XLII Conventus Generalis is Latin for 42nd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission which will be held at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, USA from June 27 to July 15, 2016. It will be the 42nd Assembly in the history of the Little Company.
EVANGELIZARE is the first word of the Congregation of the Mission motto: Evangelizare Pauperibus Misit Me – To Preach the Gospel to the Poor He Has Sent Me.
The Spirit of the Lord put the flame of Evangelization into the hands of St. Vincent de Paul. With boldness and apostolic courage, Vincent converted it into a fire of love, solidarity, and service on behalf of the poor. After 400 years, since 1617, when according to St. Vincent de Paul himself the Little Company was founded, that same Spirit enlivens the followers of St. Vincent de Paul, as they carry on his evangelical legacy and remain faithful to the inspiration of the Founder, following the signs of the times.
About the Artist:
Arturo Asensio Moruno received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Spain, where he is an artist and illustrator. He has created several artistic works for the Congregation of the Mission in Spain. In his youth, Arturo was a member of the Vincentian Marian Youth Association and also spent a brief time in the Vincentian internal seminary in Avila. In Arturo’s work, we see two essential elements combined: his creativity and expertise, along with his sensitivity to the Christian message and the Vincentian charism.
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