Fr. Gregory Gay CM, Superior General, issued a Circular Letter in which he introduces the latest addition to Vincentian Family digital media which was launched in the Feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle last week. THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL is a website dedicated to work and lives of the missionaries in the Vincentian International Missions. Here is what Fr. Greg writes:
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ROME, 14 July 2014
Dear Confreres,
May the grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be forever in our hearts!
In last week’s Tempo Forte circular, I wrote about an addition to our digital media, namely, the new website for the International Missions. This project came about due to the hard work and dedication of Fr. John Freund, C.M. our webmaster for “”, Thomas “Toma” Zielinski, and support from the Office of Communications at the Curia.
I believe this website is a valuable resource for confreres serving in the missions, as well as members of the Congregation and the Vincentian Family. This new website will help to promote the work of the International Missions, and provide information on the varied works of the confreres and missions where we serve. I believe it will serve to educate all who view it on the crucial missionary dimension of our Vincentian charism.
The link to this website is
Please take time to review this website. Confreres in the International Missions are welcome to submit photos, videos, short reflections, and prayers that tell the stories of our efforts to share Gospel joy for posting on the website. To do so, send them to Fr. John Freund at
Your brother in Christ,
G. Gregory Gay, CM
Superior General
Przełożony Generalny o nowej witrynie poświęconej Misjom Międzynarodowym
Prełożony Generalny, Ks. Gregory Gay CM, wystosował Okólnik, w którym przedstawia najnowszy dodatek wśród mediów Wincentyńskich. Atorna “THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL” (Radość Ewangelii) została uruchomiona w święto św. Tomasza Apostoła i poświęcon…