Thanks to Pope John Paul II who initiated observance of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord as World Day for Consecrated Life. (In the United States, it is celebrated on Sunday after February 2). In his homily during the solemn Vespers in St. Paul’s Basilica in Rome, Holy Father, Benedict XVI connected the Gospel story of the Presentation of Christ with the consecration of men and women who have dedicated their lives to the Church: “On today’s feast we therefore celebrate the mystery of consecration: the consecration of Christ, the consecration of Mary, the consecration of all those who commit themselves to following Jesus for the sake of the Kingdom of God.” Read the homily below.
The yearly celebration is an opportunity to express gratitude for the work of those who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and of their neighbour by embracing the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. At the same time, it offers a chance to promote vocations to consecrated life, especially through prayer. [cf.]
You may watch the recorded broadcast of the Vespers in St. Paul’s Basilica. Click on one of the links:
at VATICAN.VA (lower quality, Italian) or
at CATHOLIC TV (better quality, English narration)
Fidelity and renewal
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, 40 days after the birth of Jesus, shows us Mary and Joseph who, in obedience to the Law of Moses, go to the Temple in Jerusalem to offer the child, their first born son, to the Lord and redeem him through a sacrifice (cf. Lk 2:22-24). It is one of the situations in which the liturgical time reflects historical time, because today actually marks 40 days after the Solemnity of Birth of the Lord at Christmas. The theme of Christ as Light, that characterizes the cycle of the Christmas festivities and culminates in the Solemnity of the Epiphany, is taken up again and extended in today’s feast.
The ritual act of Jesus’ parents, which takes place in the humble, hidden manner that characterizes the Incarnation of the Son of God, finds a unique welcome from the elderly Simeone and the prophetess Anna. By divine inspiration they recognize in that baby the Messiah foretold by the prophets. In the meeting of the elderly Simeone and Mary, a young mother, the Old and New Testaments come together in a wonderful way through the thanksgiving for the gift of Light which shone in the darkness and prevented it from prevailing: Christ the Lord, the light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your people of Israel (cf. Lk 2:32).
The day on which the Church commemorates the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, we celebrate the Day of Consecrated Life. In fact this Gospel episode to which we refer is a significant icon of the giving of one’s life by those who are called to present again in the Church and in the world, through the evangelical counsels, the characteristics of Jesus, virgin, poor and obedient, the Consecrated of the Father. In today’s feast we therefore celebrate the mystery of consecration: the consecration of Christ, the consecration of Mary, the consecration of those who place themselves in the sequela of Jesus for love of the Kingdom of God.
According to the insight of Bl. John Paul II, who celebrated it for the first time in 1997, the Day dedicated to consecrated life, presupposes certain goals. First, it seeks to respond to the need to give praise and thanks to the Lord for the gift of this state of life which belongs to the sanctity of the Church. Today, the prayer of the entire Community is dedicated to every consecrated person, giving thanks to God the Father, giver of every good, for the gift of this vocation, and with new faith invoke him. Moreover, this occasion offers the opportunity to appreciate increasingly the testimony of those who have chosen to follow Christ through the practice of the evangelical counsels by promoting the understanding of and appreciation for the consecrated life within the People of God. Finally, the World Day for Consecrated Life is meant to be, above all for you, dear brothers and sisters who have embraced this state in the Church, a precious occasion to renew your commitment and rekindle the feelings that inspired and continue to inspire the gift of yourselves to the Lord. This what we wish to do today, this is the commitment you are called to realize every day of your life.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Ecumenical Council Vatican II, I announced — as you know — the Year of Faith, which will begin this October. All the faithful, but in a special way members of Institutes of consecrated life, have welcomed this initiative as a gift, and I hope that they will live the Year of Faith as an opportune time for interior renewal, of which there is always need, with a deepening of the essential values and needs of their own consecration. In the Year of Faith you, who have welcomed the call to follow Christ more closely through the profession of the evangelical counsels, are invited to increasingly deepen your relationship with God. The evangelical counsels, accepted as an authentic rule of life, strengthen faith, hope and charity, which unite one to God. This profound closeness to the Lord, which must be the priority and characteristic point of your existence, will lead you toward a renewed adherence to Him and will have a positive influence on your particular presence and form of apostolate among the People of God, through the contribution of your charisms, in fidelity to the Magisterium, to be witnesses of faith and grace, credible witnesses for the Church and the world today.
The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, by whatever means it deems appropriate, will suggest guidelines and will do its best to encourage that this Year of Faith be for all of you a year of renewal and of fidelity, so that all consecrated men and women may personally and enthusiastically engage in the New Evangelization. While I extend my cordial greetings to the Prefect of the Dicastery, Archbishop João Braz de Aviz — whom I wish to include among those I will create Cardinals in the next Concistory — I gladly take this joyful occasion to thank him and his co-workers for the precious service that they render to the Holy See and to the entire Church.
Dear brothers and sisters, I also thank each one of you, for having wished to participate in this Liturgy, which, also thanks to your presence, is distinguished by a special atmosphere of devotion and of recollection. I wish you every good on the journey of your religious Families, as well as for your formation and your apostolate. May the Virgin Mary, disciple, servant and Mother of the Lord, obtain from the Lord Jesus that “all who have received the gift of following him in the consecrated life may be enabled to bear witness to that gift by their transfigured lives, as they joyfully make their way with all their brothers and sisters towards our heavenly homeland and the light which will never grow dim” (John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata, n. 112). Amen.
[source: L’Osservatore Romano
pictures: Catholic TV]
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