First interview of re-elected Superior General

Few hours after re-election (July 8, 2010)  the Chronicler of the General Assembly, Fr. Celestino Fernández interviewed Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General. We all know him, but that day was a special opportunity to ask Fr. Greg about his feelings, reflections, hopes and expectations for another six years of his Generalate. As always [...]


From the heart of Fr. Gregory

Right after Fr. Corpus Delgado CM, the Secretary of the Assembly read out the Decree of Election in fluent Latin, new re-elected Superior General, Fr. Gregory Gay CM spoke ad hoc from deep of his heart: “As they counted the votes, the last scrutinio.And so, they asked me how I felt. And actually, [...]


The new elected General Council

On the twelfth day of Assembly our true Spirit sent to us the new elected General Council of the Congregation of the Mission. After morning Mass lead by Visitors of Italy the Assembly gathered for election of another four members of General Council. The First Assistant which is Vicar General was elected yesterday. [...]


Fr. Javier Alvarez CM elected new Vicar General

In liturgy, July 9 is a Memorial of  Saint Martyrs of China. For the delegates  of  General Assembly it was another day of  important elections.  On the plenary morning session First Assistant General was elected. As it happened yesterday, the results were obvious at about 11:00 a.m. in Paris (5:00 a.m. in [...]


Election of new Superior General

Nuntio Vobis Gaudium Magnum — Creator Spiritus Venit – Habemus Superiorem Generalem Congregationis Missionis! And no more words are needed… Congratulations Fr. Gregory!!



Fr. Gregory Gay CM re-elected Superior General

On Thursday, July 8, 2010 in the morning delegates for The General Assembly proceeded the election of new Superior General.  Almost at 11:00 a.m. in Paris (5:00 a.m. EST)  results from the third ballot held in Aula Magna of Daughters of Charity Motherhouse brought the winner.  For another six year term of office delegates [...]


2nd week of the General Assembly begins

Monday, July 5,  marks beginning of second week of the General Assembly in Paris.  Despite heatwave which delegates suffered from last week they gathered high spirited in the Aula Magna of Daughters of Charity Motherhouse at 140 rue du Bac as show representatives of  Province of  New England on the picture – Fr. [...]


Cardinal Franc Rodé CM to delegates of the Assembly

Cardinal Franc Rodé CM, Prefect of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life is among those who addressed participants of the Assembly. He did it in special letter of June 30. One can think his message  sounds like admonition. The other one will say it is careful, [...]
